Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Self-defense in Britain, continued

There is a movement in Britain to change their law to allow citazens to use whatever force necessary to protect themselves and their families from intruders. The forces of Law and Government are having conniptions at the thought, but people aren't backing off. Smallest Minority has hookups into two articles from the Sunday Telegraph, here and here, as they keep the noise up. And they'll have to. Any government, any agency, that has taken a power, a right, away from the citazen is generally loathe to give it up; it means they lose power and control over people. And as bad as things have been there, it'll take lots of kicking and screaming to get their government to even pretend to do something about it..

Warning: the second article has pictures of two old ladies who were beaten by burglars, and they're ugly. That there are two-legged things out there that would do this is all the reason needed to change that law. And why we need to make sure that the gun-grabbers and social-controllers in our government don't get to do the same things to us.

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