Saturday, November 06, 2004


I've heard that word a lot over the last few years, mostly applied to themselves by people who- surprise, surprise/turn off Gomer voice/ think most people are too stupid/hate-filled/etc. to understand why they are right. Let's see, Soviet Union collapsed, check; People's Republic of China had to capitalize their economy in a lot of ways to keep from collapsing and still oppress everyone, check; Cuba is a basket case, has been for years, check; socialist governments all over are deeply in debt, have huge unemployment numbers and are going down the toilet, check; so why, when I read some 'progressive' plan for the world, does it read like excerpts or outtakes from the 'Communist Manifesto'? How is trying to do again a system that has failed everywhere 'progressive'?

'Course, I just learned there is a 'reality-based community' out there, which is /surprise, surprise/ mostly made up of 'progressives' who don't understand how the rest of the country can be so stupid as to not agree with them and is therefore not in touch with 'reality'.

Silly me. I thought reality had something to do with paying the bills, getting kids educated/REAL education, not indoctrination/, reading, shooting, making things, etc. Now I find that it means I have to agree with a bunch of people who think I'm a racist idiot if I don't.

Hey, folks? To quote somebody, "I do not think this word means what you think it does".

Update: I'm sure most of these people are progressive and reality-based as hell.
Link from Acidman

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