Thursday, November 11, 2004

Liberal condescension

"You know what? Just let me make one point. You were talking about the map before. If indeed all those blue states all got together and seceded from the union, think what would be left for those red states, nothing. There would be no educational system. You would have nothing. What would be left to you? I mean, where is all of this talent in this country? It's on both sides, the Northeast corridor." -Geraldine Ferraro to Sean Hannity on Hannity and Colmes, November 6.

Oh, yeah, no talent, no working brains, no schools, no manufacturing, no nothing except around the Northeast Corridor. Can you belive this crap? This is one of the the most blatant examples imaginable of how the 'liberal' upper reaches of the Democrat party view the rest of the country. And they wonder why they're losing voters?

Just think about that nonsense. She apparently thinks that if half-a-dozen states went away, the whole rest of the country would fall apart. Apparently all the local schools, all the community colleges, all the universities, all the businesses, all the everything would just collapse. This woman, and those who think like her, have a massive disconnect from reality.

And she might have been vice-president? Thank God people saw her for what she is.

Found at Acidman's place

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