Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Back from voting

No, I'm not going to blog this election. I actually have things to do other than read somebody's post and scream.

Not too bad. My polling place was busy, about 30-35 minute wait. Oklahoma has a number of state questions on the ballot as well, including the one that pisses me off, a big jump in tobacco taxes with the proceeds 'going to health care'.

Let's see; you want people to stop smoking, so you raise the taxes, and say you'll fund health care programs with the money. So if you succeed, and people stop smoking, there'll be no money for those programs, so you'll have to raise taxes somewhere else to make up for it. No thank you. I occasionally smoke a pipe, and dislike cigarettes, and I'm sick of this crap. If these weenies actually thought tobacco was so horrible, they'd be trying to ban it, not increasing taxes on it. But they're greedy, they want that money. Which means they either don't believe it's so horrible, or don't care as long as they get a payoff. Screw 'em.

There was a guy in line from the fire marshall's office, and he was armed. I mentioned once before all the various government functionaries who get to carry, here's another.

As to the election, we'll see.

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