Thursday, November 04, 2004

And today..

Steve notes how CNN is proving how pro-Bush they are.

Yasser Arafat is either dead or on the brink. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Normally I don't wish death on people, in this terrorist's case I'll make an exception.

Ann Coulter, she of the razor tongue and the body that needs a week on cheeseburgers, unloads on Kerry and Co. in her usual fashion.

And vairous and sundry people are linking to more of the "Americans are stupid" and "People who vote for Bush are stupid and bigoted" stuff being put out by various people. One woman is quoted as saying that she tells friends in Europe "New York is an island off the coast of Europe". As Reynolds points out, when you hold everyone else in the country in such contempt, you can pretty much forget about winning their votes.

Update: Instapundit has a note from CNN stating that it was some employee at
Netscape did the photo names:
"A web image and text disparaging President and Mrs. Bush currently circulating on the internet was not created, disseminated or posted by CNN at any time, as is alleged. It was done by an employee of Netscape and posted on CNN had no knowledge of it until it surfaced on other websites."
So they may not have fallen completely through the grid.

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