Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Why does anyone give a rat's behind what the New York Times says?

On all the screaming about the missing RDX and HMX, both Roger Simon and the Belmont Club have posts showing that a: the stuff went missing a long time ago, most likely before our guys got there, and b: considering everything else, it's not significant.

But, the New York Times says it is! So it Must Be!

I've never had any great reverence for the NYT. By the time I really started paying attention to such things, whenever the NYT had some big article/commentary/whatever on something I heard about, it tended to show bias. In an editorial, fine. In a 'news' article, not fine. And I never paid attention to their book reviews, either. So I have no emotional load in their fall into trashhood. Despite that, this really ticks me off. Between Jason Blair and company, and the revelations of how editors and reporters deliberately slanted information they were 'reporting', I lost any respect I had for them. And over the past year, the way they have deliberately worked their coverage to push one candidate over another is inexcusable.

This is a load of crap piled on top of the previous pile of crap that's come from this newspaper. So why does anyone take what they put out as fact, or even accurate, anymore?

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