Thursday, October 21, 2004

The weather, she do come around

This time of year, Oklahoma is schizophrenic. Cold & damp, followed by hot & dry, then hot & damp, etc. A couple of days ago, it was almost chilly during the day, it was chilly in the morning. Today, it hit 90.

When I moved here, one of the things I did was plant a pecan tree. I love pecans to eat, and the trees bring squirrels around, and they shade the yard. So I'd planned, whenever I found a house, that I'd plant at least one. I spent a chunk of today digging up a circle around the tree and setting shale flakes into the circumference as a border. Personally, I think it looks pretty good. It's the same border I put around the roses, so my yard is coordinated. So far, at least.

Some of the leaves on the tree are turning yellow, warning of nasty days to come. And something's been chewing on some of the leaves, so I'm going to spray for the little bastards. They will die for messing with my tree.

October is a month of extremes here. I've seen it below freezing and icy, and so hot and dry that walking in the woods sounded like you're stepping on potato chips. And you cannot trust the weather weenies. Couple of days ago, they said the fog & clouds would go away by noon; then by early afternoon; then "it'll be cloudy all day". I do not trust them, they've lied to me too many times.

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