Monday, October 11, 2004

Old firearms

Head's Bunker has a nice post on old rifles, and some of the nice things about them. Overall, I have to agree. I've held a No. 4, MK1 Enfield, dated 1942, with a series of small 'x' markings along the bottom of the buttstock. Pacific Theatre, or India-Burma, or Europe? What might those markings mean, and what all has this piece been a witness to?

Right now there are some Martini-Henry rifles available, and if I had the money I'd be on the phone to make the order. It might be something that went straight to Nepal, or it might have seen service anywhere from Africa to God knows where. If I got one, I'd damn well find ammo to shoot it with; fairly straightforward to reload, and I could not own something like this without shooting it.

Link found at Alphecca

Remember, National Ammo Day/Week is Coming!

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