Tuesday, October 12, 2004

House troubles

Ever noticed that when you have a problem, either you'll have several or a friend will also have something blow up/break?

I spent the day with a heating/ac crew in the house. A week ago I decided I should have the heater checked before I actually needed it, and was informed there was nothing wrong with it that a new furnace wouldn't take care of. So while they were taking out the furnace anyway, the a/c guy suggested I go ahead and replace the coil; since it was about as old as the furnace, would probably be a good idea to take care of it now. Very good idea, as it happens, since the old one was shot. And some of the ductwork was cracked...

Overall I'm happy. I don't have to worry about the furnace this winter, I don't have to worry about the coil come spring, and they replaced the ductwork at no additional charge. From what I can tell, good work and they cleaned up after themselves.

While I was dealing with this, a friend had the following: turned on the disposal and it fell off; turned off the shower, and the knob broke off; it rained, his roof leaked and part of his ceiling collapsed. Ain't it all fun?

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