Sunday, September 22, 2024

Those critters do weird some people out

Son's second time in Iraq, his unit got the honor of starting setup of a new Forward Operating Base at what he was told had been a railroad station in the long past, and a monastery before that(so he was told).  That meant getting the buildings remaining habitable, building up some supplies, security, etc.

They got there, walked into one building, one guy looked up: "Holy shit, what's that?"
Son looks up, "It's a bat."
"Fuck, do we shoot it?"  Remember what I said about weirding people out?  
"No, you don't shoot it!  They eat bugs, and it won't hurt you, find a ladder."
Ladder was found, gloves donned, and this fearsome beast was taken from the rafters,
taken outside and placed in a bush.

After the engineers had set up generators, said at night you could watch bugs swarming around the lights, and lots of bats taking advantage of the buffet.