Saturday, August 08, 2020

One of those nights

when I'm too tired to come up with a fancy way of saying 'check out the data'

That would make a very interesting case:

"The Mayor/Governor/City Authorities refused to protect us because of our race."With the race being white.

Well, that's exactly what's happening, and as noted that's a violation of civil rights, and I would love to see the politicians in question in court for doing it.

Scene from the range

When you
Show up half an hour before close,
Most of your group hasn't been there before and has to read the range rules,
Take a while to decide who's doing what/getting what targets,
"I want to rent that one",
"I want to get this stuff separately",
and stand there tapping things because it's taking longer than you like,
You might want to show up earlier.

Friday, August 07, 2020

Friday, wam & humid,

perfect conditions for less attire on the data

All the .45-70 brass

that's not loaded has been annealed, cleaned, and is being sorted.

I've got more than I thought.

This is gonna take a while.

Never mind all that, mail-in voting will be GREAT!

That means 84,108 ballots were not counted or invalidated — 21 percent of the total.

One out of four mail-in ballots were disqualified for arriving late, lacking a postmark or failing to include a voter’s signature, or other defects. The Post reported Tuesday that roughly 30,000 mail-in ballots were invalidated in Brooklyn alone.

And, in a place that very badly wants to show how wonderful this is,
Aside from tardy mailings and processing, Schwartz said scores of ballots were tossed out because the voters failed to sign the interior envelope that came with it.

But he said it wasn’t the voters’ fault.

“The envelope with directions for the signature was so poorly designed,” Schwartz said.
Doug Kellner, co-chair of the state Board of Elections, agreed with the criticism.

“The invalidation rate is higher than I would have predicted,” Kellor told The Post.
 Really?  Then you're an idiot.  And I wonder what invalidation rate he predicted?

It's screwed in Californicated, too

And I guarantee that with this kind of crap during the big election in November, the Usual Suspects will scream that this was done 'to disenfranchise minorities' and/or whoever. 

Thursday, August 06, 2020

The usual suspects will not be happy about this

This professor at the history and archeology department of the University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin) declared on July 25: “When we talk about the slave trade, people only accuse whites. But they came (to Africa) as buyers and we [Africans] were sellers.

He assured viewers that the sale of slaves was not only an isolated phenomenon, since “the king himself sold them”. Abiola Félix Iroko detailed these transactions: “King Adandozan sold the mother of his consanguineous brother (Prince Gakpe) who later became Guézo”. As the Salon Beige website pointed out, he was the ninth king of Abomey between 1797 and 1818.

This historian – holder of a doctorate in letters and human sciences from the University of Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne – did not mince his words: “There are no buyers without sellers, we (Africans) were sellers.”
In his book, La côte des esclaves et la traite atlantique : les faits et le jugement de l’histoire, the eminent historian firmly dismissed “the rhetoric of the supporters of the thesis of reparations” in no uncertain terms. “The Africans haggled for almost half a millennium with slave traders over the price of their kin they were selling. They still want to continue today to haggle with the descendants [of slave traders] over the market value of the blacks that their ancestors sold to the detriment of the development of their own regions,” wrote the historian (pp. 148-149).
History is messy.  And people looking for one group/race to be angels without stain are generally in for a bad surprise.

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

When the tax beast comes around and bites the taxers in the ass


Mind you, Cuomo loves taxing the hell out of anyone who gets rich, he's just one who realizes there's a limit to what they will, and have to, put up with.
Lawmakers have proposed a wealth tax targeting the city's 100 billionaires to help fill a $30 billion (£23bn) budget shortfall created by the Covid-19 crisis.
Cuomo wants the rest of the country to save them instead, because
 “A single per cent of New York’s population pays half of the state’s taxes,” he said, “and they’re the most mobile people on the globe.”

Retailers say the city is now the worst place to do business in the country, blaming its strict months-long lockdown and exodus of its wealthiest residents.

They report foot traffic at Manhattan stores is down 85 per cent from a year ago. Nearly 3,000 small businesses in New York City have closed for good in the past four months.

Broadway theatres - normally a big draw for tourists - announced they will remain closed until at least January 2021.
And the clowns running the city/state did it all themselves.

Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Second try with subsonics

I found a box of 53-grain V-Max I have for some reason, and loaded those in Federal cases over what Hodgdon shows as the max load of Trailboss, 4.0 grains.  Five with CCI sr primers, and five with Remington 6 1/2.  The latter are noted as not suitable for standard .223, but work great with things like .22 Hornet and .30 Carbine; since this is such a low pressure load I thought I'd give them a try.

The CCI loads gave an average velocity of 1096 fps, highest being 1126 and lowest 1048.
Remington loads averaged 1014fps, highest 1020 and the lowest 998.  At 50 yards, the five on the bottom(aimed at the bull) were CCI primed,
the five in/around the bull were Remington(aimed at the hanging hole on top).  This was using a red dot sight, quite possible might tighten a bit with a scope.

Friend has a Silencerco Hybrid suppressor, and I was able to put these through it; no plugs needed, about as loud as a pellet rifle; with a can set up for .22 might be even a bit quieter.

It was brought up by Kim du Toit that he'd like to go back to the 70's

The only way I'd go for that is if I could keep the knowledge I've gained since.  Especially both firearms and women.

Monday, August 03, 2020

Gave a friend a few rounds of the subsonic .223 to try

He came back giggling and wanting more to mess with.

"We don't want history taught unless

it's our approved history!"

Some of these people, I can't decide if they're actually evil or just damned stupid.

Yeah, leftists and commies did this crap before

I was a teenager then, and I remember a lot of what would now be the 'woke' yelling, protesting, and in the farther examples blowing things up.

The more things change, etc.