Saturday, November 11, 2017

And it's Saturday,

and you better appreciate this

Friday, November 10, 2017

Thursday, November 09, 2017

I've come to the conclusion that the best way to start off with a woman's first range trip,

at least when she's visibly nervous, is very simple: "You can do this."  Some stuff added in, but that seems to be the base.  Men, on their first time- especially late teens/early 20's, it's not nervousness, it's "Don't do stupid things and we won't have to throw you out"; put more politely, but still, that being followed by the safety and how-to stuff.

The real problems generally come from someone who's not new to shooting, thinks they know it all, and don't like being told "Don't do that."

That's the extent of my deep thoughts for the evening.  I shall now return to trying to get something done.

Pretty busy next few days;

light bloggage ahead.  I'll try to make time for the data dumps, but no promises

From the only people professional enough to be trusted with guns:

An F.B.I. counterterrorism supervisor is under internal investigation after a woman stole his gun following a night of heavy drinking in a North Carolina hotel, according to documents and government officials.

In July, Robert Manson, a unit chief in the F.B.I.’s international terrorism section, had his Glock .40-caliber handgun, a $6,000 Rolex watch and $60 in cash stolen from his room at the Westin hotel in Charlotte, N.C., according to a police report.

Feinstein is a nasty, corrupt, hypocrite politician who cares about one thing(besides money):

control.  Always more control over the commoners.
It's interesting that Feinstein sees that as the "one reason" why this bill has been introduced. Not because it will stop mass shootings, or because it will make it harder for bad people to get guns, or even because it's a small step toward a less violent society.

Nope. This bill has been introduced for "one reason": so Democrats can score political points by holding it up and waving it every time there's a high-profile crime with a gun. Look! There's a bill right here, ready for debate and a vote! Will the bill do anything to stop these horrific attacks from happening? Well, no, but that's not the point.
It never is: CONTROL is the point.  She keeps a bill sitting in a drawer just waiting for another chance to throw it out, and she always will.

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Yeah, about that Australian Model of gun control,

not working so well
Previously unseen police statistics show that the number of pistol-related offences doubled in Victoria and rose by 300 per cent in New South Wales. At least two other states also saw a massive jump in firearms-related offences during the same period.
Hmmm, wonder why they were 'previously unseen'.
The statistics detail the types of firearms offences police have pursued in the courts in the past decade and show some concerning findings, including a massive 83 per cent increase in firearms offences in NSW between 2005/06 and 2014/15, and an even bigger jump in Victoria over the same period.

So, bad guys are still getting guns despite honest citizens being screwed by the laws.  Sound familiar?

Here's something else that'll sound familiar:
Samantha Lee, an advocate for tighter firearms laws at Gun Control Australia, said the laws regulating the sale of ammunition in Tasmania and Victoria were weak.

“There is very little regulation of ammunition purchase,” she said. “In most jurisdictions you can purchase ammunition because you have a firearm licence and there is no restriction on the type you can purchase – so if you own a rifle you can still purchase ammunition for a handgun.”
So 'very little regulation' means
"You can't buy it without a firearms license, and if you're caught with a round and you don't have said license you'll go to jail, but IT'S NOT ENOUGH!"
And it will never be enough for these people until it's all banned, and only the .gov and the crooks have guns.

(Yes, I know, the article's a couple of years old; the points still hold)

Yeah, things are so much better in Europe...

But while Swedish women rank among the most equal in the world, they increasingly fear for their physical safety on the streets. Reported sex crimes increased by 61 percent between 2007 and 2016. Meanwhile a rise in gang violence among men–the number of victims injured by gunshots increased by 50 percent between 2004 and 2016–indirectly affects the safety of women. Police admit that rape cases are piling up without being investigated because resources are being drained by gang violence and shootings.
And guess who seems to be 'overrepresented' in all this?
A similar study, conducted in 2005, showed an even higher overrepresentation of immigrants among sex crime suspects, by then up to 5.1 times as likely as Swedes to commit rape (see pages 70-77 for a summary in English). In the 2005 study, BrĂ¥ explained the growing over-representation with reference to demographics and immigration: “[T]he number of people in Sweden belonging to the group of refugees, which have in earlier studies been shown to have an especially high propensity to commit crime, has increased.” It is a plausible hypothesis that the same mechanism is at work now.
And the government still doesn't want to talk about this part of it.  Because PC No Matter The Cost is the most important thing.

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Why, it's almost like there was a fix in...

Memos released to Congress yesterday show that former FBI Director James Comey watered-down his description of Hillary Clinton's conduct.
Originally Comey accused the former secretary of state of being “grossly negligent” in handling classified information in a draft dated May 2, 2016, but that was modified to claim that Clinton had been “extremely careless” in a draft dated June 10, 2016.

Comey stuck to that modified language when he announced in July 2016 that there would be no charges against Clinton.

Federal law states that gross negligence in handling the nation’s intelligence can be punished criminally with prison time or fines, according to The Hill, which first reported on the memos.
But we can trust the EffingBI.  Y'know, Comey and all the other senior people involved in this.

Monday, November 06, 2017