Saturday, May 09, 2015

Since yesterday afternoon, another 3" according to my rain gauge

The yard squishes when I walk on it, and I don't dare set foot in the garden.  Add in darkness and not wanting to spend money on booze somewhere, this is a fine time to deal with the latest data dump.

Which is extra good, because after all the crap I've done in the house all day, I need the break.

Ah, the CSGV, so full of desire for dialogue, and tolerance of other views...

We're the blood-thirsty insurrectionist gun nuts with tiny penii, yet who's calling for mass-murder by the .gov in the name of terrorizing the peasants into obedience?

Take note: not only do they want to take your guns, it wouldn't bother them in the least to be able to order someone* to kill you.

*Because they'd never want to dirty their own hands, or risk their own ass, to do it.

But first, a confession. I’m far more hateful than Pamela Geller.

In fact, I’d argue there’s no way that she could hate jihad more than I do. I’ve seen jihad up-close, in an Iraqi province where jihadists raped women to shame them into becoming suicide bombers, where they put bombs in little boys’ backpacks then remotely detonated them at family gatherings, where they beheaded innocent civilians while cheering wildly like they were at a soccer match, and where they shot babies in the face to “send a message” to their parents.
I don’t know Pamela Geller, and I certainly don’t know her heart, but it’s simply bizarre that so few of the tens of thousands of words decrying her “hatred” have actually examined the actions of the jihadists she opposes. Isn’t genocide worth hating? Isn’t the systematic oppression of women? The selling of children into slavery? And in our hatred, we are in good company. As the writer of Proverbs states, there are “six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him” among those “abominations” are “hands that shed innocent blood.” Those are jihadist hands — hands even God hates.
Tam had a piece the other day on the scary-level idiocy of 'Free speech doesn't include hate speech', especially from people whose jobs depend on free speech:
Seriously, yesterday's Diane Rehm Show was the scariest thing I've heard on the radio since I listened to Mystery Theater on a battery operated boom box sleeping out in a friend's treehouse when I was twelve. It used to be that if there was one thing you could at least count on liberals for, it was a vigorous defense of free speech; it's a cause that has found the ACLU in bed with the NRA on at least one occasion I can think of. This new turn is... chilling.
I fear we're really going to have to work on that word: these people are leftists, there's nothing liberal about them.*  And they'd LOVE to be able to define speech they don't like as hate speech and shut it down.  Problem there is, they don't seem to think that could ever be used against them.

They're fools.

*Thanks to Michael Z. Williamson for that phrase

"Ghost Guns!

Short version: Slate writer discovers it doesn't take a factory to make a gun.  And really doesn't like it.
Such cases are clearly just the beginning and threaten to sink reasonable efforts at regulating the traffic in “ghost guns,” as these weapons have been called. Unlike Japan, where strict gun laws prohibit even the private manufacture of deadly firearms, the United States allows most types of guns to be made at home provided they aren’t then sold or given away by their creators—hardly a disincentive to those already trading in the black market.
A: those already trading in the black market are already breaking laws, but that doesn't seem to matter, "THIS MUST BE CONTROLLED!" 
...Last year California Democratic Rep. Mike Honda introduced the Homemade Firearms Accountability Act, which would subject homemade guns to many of the same regulations as firearms sold commercially—though the bill stands virtually no chance of passage in a Republican Congress heavily beholden to the NRA and the gun lobby. Already in 2013 the Department of Homeland Security had issued an intelligence bulletin warning that halting or even slowing the distribution of the new homegrown guns “may be impossible.”
Guess what, Honda and Holsinger?
Which is what's driving these people nuts: the home-owned CNC mill isn't a new tech, just an advancement on old.  And the commoners can use it for things people like Honda don't approve of.

And we should note that, as reports from Australia and Brazil and other places have shown, bad guys have been making guns without fancy equipment for a looong time.

By the way, if the 'Rep. Honda' sounds familiar, that's because he also doesn't like the commoners owning body armor.

And let us not forget the idiot who started calling homemade firearms 'ghost guns', State Senator Kevin de Leon, also of Californicated.

Friday, May 08, 2015

'Twas a dark and stormy night,

and I'm not going out unless it's to throw the BOB and dogs in the truck and flee.  So, I shall review the newest data.  Which is a helluva lot more fun.

Og, I will remember this:

It’s probably not nice to paint ben-gay on the feeder poles to keep the squirrels off them, but it’s a hoot watching them scrub their nuts on the grass afterwards.

Obamacare: so wonderful the slimeballs in Congress who voted for it

will do just about anything not to be under it.  And I'm including the backstabbing Republicans involved in this crap.
The rumors began trickling in about a week before the scheduled vote on April 23: Republican leadership was quietly pushing senators to pull support for subpoenaing Congress’s fraudulent application to the District of Columbia’s health exchange — the document that facilitated Congress’s “exemption” from Obamacare by allowing lawmakers and staffers to keep their employer subsidies.

The application said Congress employed just 45 people. Names were faked; one employee was listed as “First Last,” another simply as “Congress.” To Small Business Committee chairman David Vitter, who has fought for years against the Obamacare exemption, it was clear that someone in Congress had falsified the document in order to make lawmakers and their staff eligible for taxpayer subsidies provided under the exchange for small-business employees.

But until Vitter got a green light from the Small Business Committee to subpoena the unredacted application from the District of Columbia health exchange, it would be impossible to determine who in Congress gave it a stamp of approval. When Vitter asked Republicans on his committee to approve the subpoena, however, he was unexpectedly stonewalled.
I'm especially including that bastard Rand Paul:
But, though it seems an issue tailor-made for the tea-party star and Republican presidential candidate, Senator Rand Paul (R., Ky.) refused to lend his support.
Senior committee aides say that Rand Paul’s staff didn’t immediately reply to an e-mail requesting the senator’s consent and, when they did, they refused to provide it. When Vitter attempted to set up a member-to-member meeting, his overtures were ignored or put off. Paul’s policy staff refused to take a meeting. When Vitter tried to confront Paul on the Senate floor, they say, the Kentucky senator skirted the issue.
You chickenshit.

What the hell is going on at Wounded Warrior Project?

Because if this is correct, they've got their head firmly lodged up their ass.
We were disappointed when the Leslie Coleman, PR director for WWP, said they couldn’t come on the show, but that happens. Schedules don’t mesh, things happen, but that’s not uncommon. No big deal. Except that Ms. Coleman said they were declining because we “are related to firearms.”

“While we appreciate the interest in having a WWP representative on your show on Veterans Day we are not able to participate in interviews or activities with media/organizations that are related to firearms,” said Ms. Coleman in her email.

The perils of not being PC and submissive enough

One of those in attendance at the party was Frank Cunningham, who last month was elected as the college’s Student Assembly president. Cunningham was allegedly insulted by one of the protesters, who supposedly called him a derogatory name along the lines of “Uncle Tom.” Following the attack, Cunningham engaged in a spat with the protester, which was captured on video. Cunningham is the man in white on the left.
Nonetheless, the protesters have launched a petition effort demanding that Cunningham immediately resign for intimidating a smaller woman and for “appropriating” the words “I can’t breathe.”
One signatory of the petition, Dartmouth student Joseph Ramsawak, succinctly says “We ain’t here for fuckboys and shoe-shining coonery,” apparently a more vulgar way of calling Cunningham an “Uncle Tom” for serving as student body president at a mostly white, wealthy school like Dartmouth.
Said about a gay black guy.  Can you imagine how these same assholes would blow gaskets if someone labeled conservative or libertarian had said these kinds of things about the same guy?

So you can't use a poster that might offend someone to advertise a talk about free speech.  On a campus.  Because some delicate snowflake will be offended and won't be able to stand it.

This needs to happen:
An east Alabama congressman has a plan to save taxpayers money when it comes to storing vintage firearms for the Army.
The plan involves moving the weapons to the Civilian Marksmanship Program, which includes its facility in Anniston.

Congressman Rogers says it's a win-win because the pistols are placed in very capable hands at the Civilian Marksmanship Program and it also saves taxpayers roughly $200,000 per year.

The M1911A1 pistol was once the standard sidearm for U.S. armed forces. Rogers says a little over 8,000 of the 100,000 pistols were sold to law enforcement and transferred to foreign countries for a small price. The rest are in storage.

The CMP will inspect, grade, and prepare the pistols to be sold. It will also reimburse the Army for any costs associated with moving the firearms.

Thursday, May 07, 2015

In (formerly Great)Britain:

A burly Asian man in a black suit and sunglasses rushes up and grabs me round the neck, pinning me to a low perimeter wall. “Get out, you fucking Jew,” he shouts. I am being throttled as around ten Asian men surround me. My teeth chatter as a man in a tracksuit punches me in the head.
“Delete, delete,” they shout at me, “delete the photos.”
An older man in a shiny crooner’s suit is shouting. “Let’s call the police. Let’s get him arrested.”
Anybody doubt that the local cops probably wouldn't have a problem doing so?

It's... horrible.  You're talking about muslim groups basically taking over the Liberal(such a misuse of the word this is) Party hand-in-hand with Jew-haters like Galloway and using it to take over cities.

According to the rain gauge in my yard,

an even 3" from the time this started yesterday evening until it stopped late last night.

That makes about 5.5-6" total since Tuesday evening. And my area got a lot less last night than some places just a little south. 

And the current forecast: big area under a flash-flood warning for the next while, and a 50% chance of more showers and storms today.  Then 60-70% through Saturday night.

Currently a lot of people who pretend to believe in free speech- including a bunch of media morons who depend on it- are running around blaming the victims for the latest jihadi attack.  Because 'You should have known' and 'You should not tempt-' and other such bullcrap.  And a new wrinkle from that idiot Van Susteren: 'By speaking out this way you put cops at risk, you naughty people!'

Followed by the mayor of Garland: Her actions put my police officers, my citizens and others at risk. Her program invited an incendiary reaction.
Yeah, that's great Mr. Mayor: so ANYONE who says or does ANYTHING that might put cops or anyone else at risk shouldn't be allowed to do so?  Don't say or do anything that might cause risk?  You plan on enforcing that against everyone, or only against people you don't like?

Morons.  They'd silence us all in the names of Peace and Safety.

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Yes, that "I love free speech, BUT" bitch is at it again:

By failing to prosecute hate speech, the US is explicitly and flippantly violating international human rights law. No other country would be allowed to get away with this, so why would the US? The United Nations has stated many times that international law has absolute authority. This is quite simply not optional. The US is required to outlaw hate speech. 
Attention, Miss Cohen:
Bullshit.  The highest law of the land in the US is the Constitution, not the 'international law', demands, or requirements of that tyrant-infested collection of liars and thieves known as the United Nations.

Also, your demands for an end to hate speech sound hollow when you, over and over, call the entire United States racist, misogynist, and every other word-as-club clowns like you use to try to beat people into obedience.  That's some serious hate speech coming from someone demanding an end to hate speech.

Therefore, I suggest you take your intolerance, your bigotry, and your hatred of this country, fold it all to eight corners, and shove it up your ass.

Sincerely, etc.

Yes, I'm still alive

Storms all over western and central OK, some of those nasty rotating windstorms, hail, high winds, etc.  Spring, in other words.

News just announced that a animal sanctuary east of Tuttle(a ways south of here) took a hit and some of the critters are loose.  Considering this could involve tigers and lions and bears and such, that could get interesting.

Rained like hell here, heavier in nearby areas.  It's been one of those "Move a mile and conditions are different.  Maybe greatly" scenarios.  Lots of flooding in low areas.  Section of I-35 in Norman is closed due to a mix of storm damage, crashed cars, and crap on the roads after the biggest tornado crossed there.  The (maybe only) good thing about this is that nothing has been in the F4 or F5 categories, and most of them seem to have hopscotched along. 

Most.  A few had some fairly long times on the ground, and some may have moved very little while they were down.  It'll take a while for the weather people to sort it all out.

The main storms are to the south,

but the tornado sirens for this area just went off for the third time in the past while; seems some of the rotating winds sweeping the plains are making life messy.

If you know anybody trying to get through the Norman area on I-35, and you can get word to them, tell them to forget it; a big one crossed I-35 at Tecumseh road(south edge of Norman) and there are downed power lines, numerous car crashes, and all kinds of crap on the road; it'll be closed for hours.

Trust feds, especially the IRS?

I was audited in 2011, and it started in a way that government officials and IRS spokesmen claimed in a recent Wall Street Journal article can never happen -- with a phone call.

The IRS agent left a voicemail, and then took another unheard-of step and called my accountant, who had my power of attorney and told the agent he was forbidden to ever contact me again.

Yet the IRS agent called me again, only minutes later, telling me all about my political views. How did an IRS agent know about my political views? Why was he telling me my political views? I felt like I was being stalked.
After winning my case the second time, I contacted government watchdog Judicial Watch, which took my case and requested my tax files under the Freedom of Information Act. By law, the IRS has 30 days to comply. They stalled and refused for 14 months. The question is why would a government agency disobey the law for 13 months?

Now come the political and criminal revelations. The IRS is supposed to be totally nonpolitical, as it must be in a free and fair democratic society. Do you know what my IRS tax file says?
But we’re only getting started with the criminal implications of this case. My IRS auditor wrote into the margin of my file that he spent hours researching my political views. How chilling is that revelation? It sounds like the KGB, Stasi or even the Gestapo.

An IRS audit that required researching my political views clearly wasn’t a “normal random audit.” I was targeted for my political views. My civil rights were clearly violated.
Why was my case closed? The IRS auditor handling my case informed my tax attorney that he had just been called by a top IRS official demanding the case be closed immediately. Why would a top IRS official get involved in my case? Who asked him to make that call? Did he know the politically damaging details of this audit marked “SENSITIVE CASE"? Why did it happen the very day after Lois Lerner's testimony?

This is in the office of the Chosen One for the Senate seat currently occupied by Ma'am Boxer

One of California Attorney General Kamala Harris' (D) staffers was arrested last week and "accused of operating a rogue police force that claimed to exist for more than 3,000 years," The Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday.

Brandon Kiel, deputy director of community affairs at the California Department of Justice, and two others — David Henry and Tonette Hayes — reportedly face charges for their roles in the Masonic Fraternal Police Department.
The MFPD.  Right.  The level of bullshit/idiocy/WTF is strong here.

And the idiot/s who wrote this display problems with history, spelling, punctuation, and having their head firmly placed inside their lower digestive tract.

Ok, you parents and grandparents, stop reading to the kids!

That involves Privilege, and Family Unfairness, and Inequality, and you probably want them to get a better education, too!
If no other line pisses you off, I present these two:
What we realised we needed was a way of thinking about what it was we wanted to allow parents to do for their children, and what it was that we didn’t need to allow parents to do for their children.
Private schooling cannot be justified by appeal to these familial relationship goods,” he says. “It’s just not the case that in order for a family to realise these intimate, loving, authoritative, affectionate, love-based relationships you need to be able to send your child to a private school.
Local school sucks, and you want better for your offspring?  That Should Not Be Allowed.  Because Unfair, etc.

Just bloody amazing, isn't it?

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

New gun tryout: Glock Model 34

This week my test subject for  Grab A Gun is this Glock 34

First thing I noticed about this sucker: it's light.  Real light.  It's about the size of a 1911, and unloaded weighs in at just under 26 ounces; loaded, just under 33 with a 17-round magazine(the one I fired had a ten-round).  Specifically,
Length: 8.81"
Height: 5.43"
Width: 1.18"
Barrel: 5.31"
In comparison: a standard 1911A1 is 8.25" long, 5.25" tall and .925" wide(at the slide) and weighs about 39 ounces(2.44 pounds) empty.  So this is a full-size pistol
designed for target use with a nice lightening cut in the slide just behind the front sight

You'll notice the rear sight has a white outline, white dot on the front.  First time I've fired something with that configuration.  Personally, preferring a dot on the front and  a black rear, I didn't find it better or worse than having two dots on the rear.

The trigger on this one wasn't as nice as that on the Model 26 I fired a week ago, but I think it's due to the usage: it felt like the thing needed a bit of lube(rental gun on a public range, it's had a few through it); didn't feel 'rough surfaces engaging', more 'dry and dirty'.  Only felt it when doing very slow pulls, in fast shooting you'd never notice it.

How'd it shoot?
Ten yards, first ten rounds:

That's six in one elongated hole, offhand.  Damn. 

Second ten, same distance, from a rest:

I know why I was pulling these a bit left: size/shape of the grip was making me reach a bit with the trigger finger.  Still, the first five(circled) were nice and tight.  Then I ran the target back to look at it, ran it back out, and proceeded to blow it.  Crap.

Did another group of ten, all offhand, same distance

I have to note that I'm having trouble with my elbow, which sometimes screws with my shooting after twenty or thirty rounds.  So my accuracy(such as it is) was falling off a bit at this point. 

I'm not being a real bullseye shooter, and I didn't think I was going to suddenly improve today so hung up a silhouette and went to some faster shooting.  I put seventy rounds of Blazer 115-grain ball into it, this being the result

That's a mix of singles, doubles, some Mozambique drills and some one-handed both right and left, starting at about twelve feet and doing the last thirty at about nine, most as fast as I could fire controlled doubles.


Really, not a thing wrong with this pistol a good cleaning wouldn't have taken care of(the trigger).  And, seeming just as dry as the 26, it also suffered no failures of any kind. 
I do wonder if, for target/match use, the weight removed by that cut in the slide might not be helpful if you were shooting a lot of hot stuff?
The size of the grip did cause me that difficulty with the trigger finger; if you've got small hands that girth might be a problem.
If you like a full-size carry piece and the size if this wouldn't be a problem, I'd think it would work well; that light weight and full-length sight radius would be nice, and there's lots of grip to hold on to.
I know it's capable of much better accuracy at distance that I am; of the first six rounds fired from an unfamiliar gun five of them were in that long ragged hole, which is a pretty good indication.

And thus ends this report

Judge Hanen, a suggestion:

Charge them with contempt, charge them with perjury, and recommend they be disbarred.  THEY LIED IN COURT, apparently more than once; a plain citizen who did that would be looking at serious criminal charges, and these bastards deserve the same.

According to the leftists, howling mobs of rednecks

should've been torching the place by now, wonder what's wrong?
There is a mosque in Garland, Texas. It was there yesterday, it’s there today, and it will be there tomorrow. After two radical Muslims attempted to massacre some infidels down the road a bit, there was no angry mob of Texans storming the place with F-350s and rifles. If any vehicle full of armed men rushed to the Muslims’ place of worship, you can be sure that it was the local police exercising an abundance of caution and nothing more.     

It’s easy to be snarky–”Oh, yay for us! No massacre, give Texas a cookie!” But only those parochial minds with the narrowest of experience could fail to appreciate how unusual that is in the world.

Yeah, we all need government-run healthcare like the VA.  
Coleman sent me a copy of the Sensitive Patient Access Report that he received in March from the Phoenix VA/Privacy officer. It reveals access to his VA medical records by a dozen different people from October 28, 2014 through March 10, 2015. That's odd because, he told me, "the only care I received was getting my eye glasses" in December and January.

Could it be a mistake? That's what Coleman says he was told the last time he found unexpected people digging through his medical records. But accessing the records by accident is unlikely, he told me, because of the "restricted record" warning screen that pops up to ask database users if they really want to pull up the information they've requested.

Speaking of Obamacare,
Too many Americans get care in emergency rooms instead of doctors offices — and expanded health coverage is making the problem worse rather than fixing it.

You know you're being issued a crap weapon when this comes out:
...In response to the High Court’s notice, the Home Ministry announced that all INSAS rifles in the Red Zone (an area in East India that experiences significant Maoist insurgent activity) would be replaced by AK rifles, while 50% of INSAS rifles in Northern Jammu and Kashmir – a region disputed by both China and Pakistan – would be replaced by AKs, as well. The Times of India reported on that announcement three days later:

Monday, May 04, 2015

What the brothers in jihad of those two in Texas are up to

More than 300 Yazidi prisoners have been slaughtered by Islamic State militants near Mosul in Iraq.

According to the Yazidi Progress Party, hundreds were murdered by Isis on Friday in the Tal Afar district.

It comes after around 40,000 people were kidnapped at gunpoint when the terrorists attacked Yazidi villages last summer.

A little more from the Daily Mail:
An American jihadi allegedly called for Charlie Hebdo-style attacl at a Texas 'draw Muhammad' event more than a week before it was attacked by two gunmen.

Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan, a 25-year-old fighter with the Al Shabaab terrorist group in Somalia, is thought to have posted messages urging violence against the event in the city of Garland, pre-empting the eventual attack.

NPR: continuing the lie in their corrections.  Wonderful.

Nope.  Not even close.


Followers of ISIS had been sending messages about the event in Texas for more than a week, calling for attacks. One referenced January's Charlie Hebdo massacre in France and said it was time for "brothers" in the United States to do their part.

Simpson was well known to the FBI. Five years ago he was convicted for lying to federal agents about his plans to travel to Africa, but a judge ruled the government did not adequately prove he was going to join a terror group there.

As for the second suspect, the FBI is combing through files on all of Simpson's known associates in Phoenix and elsewhere, but so far there has been no word on the accomplice's identity.
They want to do it here; they just picked a bad place to do it.  Some of them will try again.

Sunday, May 03, 2015

With all the screaming about "RACISM!" right now

thought I'd pass along a true example found over on  Bookface:
I wonder how these clowns would react to being told that a lot of Egyptians(and Arabs in general) really don't like blacks?  And would consider being called black a serious insult?

Of course, it could be that someone will explain "They have no power, therefore they CAN'T be racist", which seems to be the default excuse for crap like this.

Looking at the specs for .338 Federal,

looks like with Federal ammo(or something  to the same weight/velocity) a 100-yard zero would be about four inches low at 200.    Or could put it two inches high at 100 and be two low at 200.  Have to decide.

Yeah, Texas would not be a good place to try this

Unless it was in Austin; everywhere else, forget it.
The two suspects drove up and opened fire near the center, which was hosting a Muhammad Art exhibit, and hit a Garland ISD officer.

Garland Police shot and killed the two men.
Hmmm, whyever might people have done such a thing...

The comment from this guy: The would-be terrorists in Garland fell for one of the classic blunders: Never assume that you’ve outgunned an art show in Texas.

It was only a matter of time, wasn't it?

Oh no, vote fraud isn't a real problem,

Noncitizens are registering to vote and at best, it seems the federal government’s officials don’t care about this illegal activity.
At worst, it raises questions about whether some in Washington support illegal voting, so long as it supports their political agenda.
The exact number of noncitizens who are voting in our elections is difficult to quantify because of the bureaucratic quagmire perpetuated by federal agencies against the (very few) states that have the resolve to attempt to verify citizenship.

Because, to anti-rights people, having the means to prevent someone burning you to death is just as bad as you being set on fire...
Reminds me of the idiot 'feminist' who said that a woman using a gun to stop a rapist made her as morally wrong as the rapist.

A series that should be interesting:
I had intended to start my series on Bad Apple Lawyers with the current head of the Brady Center's Legal Action Project, Jonathan E. Lowy. However, the more I read, the more I was convinced that I needed to go back further to the law professor who helped initiate the use of lawfare against the gun industry with his novel legal theory. That professor is David Kairys of Temple University School of Law.