Saturday, January 03, 2015

Why Britain is so screwed: they don't even trust the Royal Guard with loaded weapons...

'Where do we draw the line? Do you allow these soldiers to be armed? I think that could cause a greater problem.
These Guardsmen carry rifles equipped with bayonets but as a rule their rifles are not loaded with live ammunition.

The Guardsmen may carry up to six rounds in a belt pouch and may load their rifles in event of a terrorist attack, but that would take valuable time.
Pardon my dropping into bad language:
The elite Guards, chosen from the very best, are allowed SIX FUCKING ROUNDS, and they're not allowed to have them in the magazine, oh no.  Because troops chosen from the best can't be trusted to be armed when guarding the palace...

Just because

This one shouldn't really be considered funny, it's so painful and stupid

Push and threaten anybody hard enough,

you'll get a reaction.
Feeling threatened by Hindu India, Communist China and Islam, Buddhists in south and southeast Asia are starting to develop a militancy of their own.

To borrow somewhat from Lawdog, Sweet bouncing Vishnu on a trampoline...  apparently wearing the 'wrong' kind of hat(or any at all) is a social problem requiring a whole bloody meme.  Which indicates to me that a lot of people use far too much of their time finding things to be outraged and dismissive about.

How'd I run into that?  Insty linked to this, which made mention of
It has reached the point where articles published in major journals talk about the the fedora phenomenon in the context of “the growing trend in feminists and other activists online that use shaming as an activist strategy”.
Which caused me to wonder 'what the hell?' and look up 'fedora phenomenon'.  Which led to this.

Yes, I wear a fedora(and a friggin' trilby is NOT the same thing, you SJW morons); I like the style, it keeps the sun out of my eyes and the rain off my glasses.  I wear it because I like the hat, not as some bloody social statement.  So screw you.

By the way, that post Insty linked to has an excellent description of that howling horror named Marcotte:
This would usually be the point where I state for the record that I believe very strongly that all women are human beings. Problem is, I’ve just conceived a sudden suspicion that one of them is actually a Vogon spy in a skin suit.

Said horror being the type of hateful bigot responsible for my having a label of 'Nutcase-level feminism'.

Friday, January 02, 2015

My, the Occutards are very selective in their outrage

about attitudes toward Presidents, aren't they?
The hypocrisy just fairly flows, does it not?

That jerk who's head of the NYPD union?

“I would like to express the personal and professional thanks of 25,000 active New York City police officers for The Post's efforts to put some strength into existing gun laws," Lynch wrote back in 2005. "The New York City PBA will stand shoulder to shoulder with the New York Post in its effort to force the changes in Albany that will give some judicial muscle to New York's anti-gun laws."
Well, of course; if the commoners are allowed means of defense of self, home and business, they might be less dependent on the NYPD, and we can't have that, now can we?

George Zimmerman called in to speak to Massad Ayoob.

In (formerly Great)Britain,
Children as young as three are being branded racists, homophobes and bigots over playground taunts.

Thousands of pupils are being reported for so-called hate crimes after using innocuous words such as ‘Chinese boy’, ‘Somalian’ or ‘gay’.

Teachers also log insults like ‘doughnut’ and ‘fat bucket of KFC’. Even calling a pupil a ‘girl’ can be classified as abuse.
Because it's never too early to destroy children so you can force them into the officially-approved mold of brainless PC drone.

Is there a leftist some democrats WON'T make excuses for?
“He has been the victim, Kim Jong Un, of a lot of bad press, a lot of bad international attention: with the Sony hacking, with taken to the International Criminal Court by some U.N. countries, a number of other very destabilizing moves that he has made, shooting the missiles, nuclear testing. So perhaps what hes doing is saying, ‘Look, I’m going to start the New Year with a positive step, a potential  summit.’”

"They don't want to take your guns" my ass; and they'll use any excuse possible to do it.

Last entries in the Diary of Jacob Silbermann, Deputy Assistant Editorial Writer, New York Times, September 2015.

The ice is growing, why do you doubt globular warmering!?!"

No, not kidding.
Sea ice cover in the Antarctic is now at its highest level since records began.

Satellite images show 7.7 million square miles (20 million sq km) of ice surrounding the continent.

But rather than disproving global warming, scientists claim that this growth may in fact be caused by it.
EVERYTHING is caused by globular warmening.  Heat, cold, ice, rain, everything.


You know, these bigoted and racist idiots keep pushing, they just might cause that race war they keep screaming about; and they won't like the results.

And some of these idiots screaming about 'racism' is about as honest as Charles Rangel whining about tax evasion.

So let's all stay out of the People's Republic of Maryland.

I'll throw in, I've heard of several cases where people with Oklahoma and Texas tags were stopped on bullshit 'reason' to try to find firearms.  One Maryland Stasi troop flatly saying "You assholes from Texas always have a gun, where is it?"

I'm not quite sure how to word this

Maybe "Police afraid to ask for more tax money, so they want to revenue-raise for themselves with fees and fines?  Whatever could go wrong?"

Yes, it's Californicated; you think agencies in other states won't want to?  Bad ideas from that place spread like a social disease in a high school.

Thursday, January 01, 2015

Tab clearing

At this point, the question becomes 'Is he turning these people loose out of some idiotic principle, or is he a traitor?'

Secret trials; my, how soviet of them.

The hell they don't want to take our guns.

Oh my.
Now if he can convince them to add some habanero juice to the mustard...

Sen. Bob Casey is a lying son of a whore.

Yeah, when we keep seeing things like these, it really makes it hard to support the cops.  that they happen at all, and that the bastards get away with it.

The New Yorker: so full of crap I'd say they should be stood in the fields to fertilize the crops, except all the bile and hatred would probably poison them.

Environmental hysteria on display with their bullshit predictions.
You'll note the name Paul Ehrlich; started with "WE'LL STRIP THE PLANET WHILE WE STARVE!!!", and global cooling, and went on from there.

Congressman Andre Carson opens his mouth to yap about anyone elses' associations, stick this in his face.

If you need bullets,

X-Treme has a 5% off sale today on .380, 9mm and .38 plated bullets

And start the new year finding the Pentagon is still handing out

crap to LE agencies(annoying autoplay warning), including
The federal government shipped nearly 4,000 more assault rifles to local law enforcement agencies in the three months following the Ferguson riots, marking a huge surge in the amount of lethal firearms being doled out to police and sheriff’s offices.
What has risen is the number of weapons being transferred out — for example, that huge spike in rifles. Ms. Schirmacher said that was because a moratorium on weapons transfers between agencies expired last fall, and then this August — coincidentally, the same month as the initial Ferguson riots — thePentagon itself began issuing weapons again.
“This has created a high demand for both new requests for weapons as well as transfer requests,” the spokeswoman said.
Does this look like a group of peace officers to you?

And apparently the ATF 'once a automatic weapon, always a automatic weapon' doesn't hold for LE agencies:
She said the rifles are being retrofitted to make them unable to fire in automatic or burst mode, so by the time their officers get them, the rifles will be only able to fire as semiautomatics.
Must be nice to work under different rules from the commoners.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy damn New Year

I'm in where I'm not freezing my bahoogies off or trying to avoid being run over by some moron.

So you know what to do

Not that long ago, it would've been months

before the outside world heard about this, after ships captains and crews who'd seen something put out the word.  Now we not only know when it started, we have pictures
from a camera in orbit.  Real time.

One more professor who has problems with the Bill of Rights,

and comprehension for that matter.
“It is long past time to repeal the stupid Second Amendment,” the taxpayer-funded professor argues, because the “pandemic of sick violence, punctuated by mass killings of children, has gone on far, far too long.”

Hastings, who also a directs a group called PeaceVoice, opines that the Supreme Court made a terrible mistake in 2008 when it ruled in “District of Columbia v. Heller” that the Second Amendment allows private citizens to buy and keep guns for self-defense.
If I'm not mistaken, all nine Justices stated that the 2nd Amendment refers to a pre-existing individual right; not exactly 'ALLOWS private citizens'.

But he is a leftist professor, who seems to think words mean what he chooses.

And the commoners can't be properly controlled if they might shoot back.

From where Great Britain used to be

A 19-year-old from Leeds, West Yorkshire, who was arrested in connection with an offensive video he posted on a social media website has been released on bail.

A video, which was shared to the Yorkshire Standard, showed a man ripping apart an English translation of the Koran with his teeth and putting it in the toilet before burning it.

The police arrested the suspect on 27 December after people raised concerns for the safety of the person who had posted the video up following a number of public comments made in response to it.

People also called the police complaining about the offensive nature of the video.
Get all butthurt because of a video?  Call the coppers, who'll arrest the miscreant who thought that 'free speech' thing actually meant something.

Because it doesn't, especially if it offends a Protected Species.

And there's a bunch of idiots here who'd LOVE to be able to do this to anyone who offends them.

Zero-tolerance stupid and "Well, yeah, he died, but we followed the rules!  So shut up."

"We could be looking at a real train wreck after Feb. 15," said Stan Dorn, a health policy expert at the nonpartisan Urban Institute. "People will file their tax returns and learn they are subject to a much larger penalty for 2015, and they can do absolutely nothing to avoid that."
Last I heard the IRS actually has no legal authority to penalize people on this; they're hoping the curse 'IRS' will scare people into complying, and if that doesn't work stealing the fine out of refunds.  This is likely to get interesting.

Short version: corn ethanol, aside from being useful for buying votes from farmers, is crap as a 'green' fuel.

Ok, this is wonderful:
If politicians don't pass lots of laws, it's bad(even if we disagree with the laws some want to pass).

If politicians pay attention to people who aren't 'mainstream', it's a threat.

If people insist on holding principled positions instead of compromising all away, "the majority of decent Americans may in frustration come to view an authoritarian government as the only solution to political gridlock — as a lesser evil that has to be tolerated."

And it large part it's because lots of people insist on owning guns.

See? By actually believing the politicians should listen to the boss(us), we're pushing the country toward dictatorship!

This man is an idiot.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

"How dare you say you're not a feminist!

And you enjoy cooking for your husband!  You bitch!"  etc.
Commenters who describe themselves as feminists have been quick to attack the actress, calling her “talentless” and an “idiot” who doesn’t know what feminism is. As many of them see it, Cuoco owes her success and her salary to the hard work of decades of feminists.
Yeah, couldn't POSSIBLY have been her working for it, could it.

More of Professor "I wanted to look smart" Grubers' words come out.
“The problem is it starts to go hand in hand with the mandate; you can’t mandate insurance that’s not affordable. This is going to be a major issue,” Gruber admitted in an October 2, 2009 lecture, the transcript of which comprised the policy brief.

“So what’s different this time? Why are we closer than we’ve ever been before? Because there are no cost controls in these proposals. Because this bill’s about coverage. Which is good! Why should we hold 48 million uninsured people hostage to the fact that we don’t yet know how to control costs in a politically acceptable way? Let’s get the people covered and then let’s do cost control.”
Yeah, because you can always loot the pockets of  anyone who has any money left to try to pay for it, right?

Note that this also shows- in case there was any doubt- that Obama was lying his ass off with his 'save you $2500 a year!' crap.

“The real substance of cost control is all about a single thing: telling patients they can’t have something they want. It’s about telling patients, ‘That surgery doesn’t do any good, so if you want it you have to pay the full cost.’”
And who decides it 'won't do any good'?  Why, the rationing panel, of course!  Or do we dare say 'death panel', since that's what it'll be?  Remember this?
OBAMA: “I don’t think that we can make judgments based on people’s spirit. That’d be a pretty subjective decision to be making. I think we have to have rules that say that we are gonna provide good quality care for all people. End-of-life care is one of the most difficult sets of decisions that we’re gonna have to make. But understand that those decisions are already being made in one way or another. If they’re not being made under Medicare and Medicaid, they’re being made by private insurers. At least we can let doctors know and your mom know that, you know what, maybe this isn’t gonna help. Maybe you’re better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller.”
Because Government knows better than you and your doctor.  Because once you're not a productive unit of society(by their measure) you're just a waster of resources.

Notice he doesn't deal with one of the most basic things here: an insurance company can say "We won't pay for that", but CANNOT say "You cannot have that."  But government can.  And will.

"But don't worry, citizen, your personal information will be safe

in the hands of Mother State!"
In a pigs ass it will.
It's not just fairness that is at issue, it's also about privacy. I contend this is a double-whammy by the government, which always wants to control two things: your money and your life.

As local, state and the federal government get bigger and, consequently, more incompetent, they see the average citizen as more of a threat. There are two ways to control that threat: eliminate disposable income, which funds your personal freedom, including political activities. The other is to condition you into accepting a complete elimination of your personal privacy and allowing the government to know when and where you go at all times.

Wonder how many of those missiles went to 'vetted' rebel groups?  Smart Diplomacy!, consequences of.

"But the Holy Rulebook was followed, so leave us alone!" Much like "Yes, the officers raided the wrong address, and killed the family terrier and terrorized the family, but they followed Holy Procedure, so no action will be taken. So shut up and leave us alone."

Monday, December 29, 2014

Two reasons the "Don't worry, the State will take care of you" line is leading

right into a septic tank.  First, from Mexico,
“Mexico cannot go on like this”, President Enrique Peña Nieto said on 27 November, addressing the country from the National Assembly. Most Mexicans would agree, yet Mexico remains embroiled in a political crisis over the disappearance of 43 students, apparently at the hands of police and local thugs and assisted by city officials, in the southwestern state of Guerrero. Protests, sometimes destructive, continue, while on this issue the government seems paralyzed: Peña Nieto’s security and justice reform package is stuck in Congress and his approval ratings have sunk to record lows.
...Skepticism about the government’s version of events is high; leaked documents allegedly from government sources, published in the magazine Proceso, suggest federal and state police were alerted in real time about the students’ movements and their clashes with local police, but did nothing to stop the bloodshed. “It was the State” – a blanket indictment of all government institutions – has become a protest slogan and social media meme.
Yes, the State will take care of everything!  And if you actually believe that...
CC has a link to the whole article; gives an idea just how screwed Mexico is, and what the governments' answer seems to be: "We need more power!"

Second, in this country, the Supremes just- well,
In a blow to the constitutional rights of citizens, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 8-1 in Heien v. State of North Carolina that police officers are permitted to violate American citizens’ Fourth Amendment rights if the violation results from a “reasonable” mistake about the law on the part of police. Acting contrary to the venerable principle that “ignorance of the law is no excuse,” the Court ruled that evidence obtained by police during a traffic stop that was not legally justified can be used to prosecute the person if police were reasonably mistaken that the person had violated the law. The Rutherford Institute had asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hold law enforcement officials accountable to knowing and abiding by the rule of law. Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the Court’s lone dissenter, warned that the court’s ruling “means further eroding the Fourth Amendment’s protection of civil liberties in a context where that protection has already been worn down.”
When Sotomayor is the only dissent on something like this, we're in deep shit.  Aside from the possible removal of black robes from and flogging the guilty, my first thought is "Ok, so let's sue the ass off the state/county/city for NOT TRAINING THEIR OFFICERS TO KNOW THE LAW." 

So, next time someone tells you the All-Knowing and Caring State will take care of everything, show them these and tell them they're an idiot.

Is there something about rap that destroys brain cells,

or is she just stupid?
Azealia Banks is ready to end her music career to take on a new mission – tracking down the descendants of slave traders and making them pay reparations.

The 23-year-old rapper revealed her new passion after posting an article about the DeWolf family, who traded slaves from 1769 through 1820.

“I wonder where the descendants of the ‘DeWolf’ family are today. they should all have their houses burned and their finances seized,” Azealia tweeted. “This generation of young black kids needs to make a CONCERTED effort to seek out living descendants of major slave trading families. They Owe us Money.”
Is she planning to track down the descendents of the Africans who raided for slaves to sell, or do they get a pass?

Occasionally HuffPo does have something worth reading, this is on Whole Payc- ah, Whole Foods.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

You have two choices abou- actually, either way you get this

from the current activities of the Laddites of CSGV:

It seems they're trying to put LOTS of distance between themselves and that idiot "Steal your parents gun and take it to school, for Safety!" video:
Despite the relentless attacks, those who share Sincic’s perspective haven’t exactly rushed to her defense. In fact, one of the country’s leading gun control advocacy groups on Tuesday all-but threw her under the bus, suggesting that she may have been hired by right wing activists to stir controversy and anger.

“I smell a rat here,” Ladd Everitt, a spokesman for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, told Vocativ on Tuesday. “To me, this reeks of something that’s been planted.”

“It’s shocking how this suddenly went viral on right wing media when no one in our movement is promoting this video,” Everitt continued. “I’m actively questioning who this woman is. And I’d like to know who paid for this and why.”
Really?  Problem:
...Hell, haven’t you been checking your Facebook Page lately? Or was it because maybe in your legal department called and told you “Hey, this video is totally screwy and anybody following it will end up wearing orange rompers and having a fierce introduction to alternative sexual modes of intercourse” that you decided to change your original support for Ms. Sincic’s Public Service Ad ?

Also from Miguel: both a "Nobody wants to take your guns!" my ass, and "Why they really want registration":
I want to see some future where the word GUN is taken out of the dictionary and history books. I want no idea in the futures mind of what such a primitive piece of 1800th technology from China it is. Cheap man killing GARBAGE. That needs to be broken in half thrown in the fire; just like 451 and books, except guns. Something for crying out loud. It would be more normal just to have the fed go by the gun registry and take them but we all know how this will end up and most likely will, a civil war. So if it’s a war these gun nuts want then let’s give them federal and police HELL. Police brutality? Not until justice is served cold and hard. Then I want to hear about “police brutality”. What’s brutal is a race f*cking killing themselves! Barbarism, we are no better than the so called terrorist!!
Because of a new range opening up.  These people shouldn't be near a keyboard when they're off their meds.

I would also appear they read the Man-Kzin War books, and think the UN method of changing history is a fine idea.  Which means unauthorized unedited history and other books wouldn't be allowed.  Wonderful people with the CSGV.

And with the required chorus of "All Cultures Are Equal!", we move on to

the latest from ISIL:
A video of a Muslim woman calling for Caliph al-Baghdadi to introduce the ancient ritual of impaling enemies has surfaced, in hopes of striking such fear in the enemy that no one will oppose them.

According to Walid Shoebat, the woman expresses “the call of Muslim mothers,” claiming that beheading is too kind and will not deter attacks against ISIS like the U.S.-led air strikes. She pleads with ISIS to revive the medieval method used by the Ottoman Empire.

The unidentified woman makes an appeal for ISIS to use the captured Jordanian pilot Moaz Kasasbeh as the first victim, making an example out of him.
Wonderful people, aren't they?  Wonder what the Jordanians think of this?

And if they do it, will our major media find it too troubling(or something) to report?

Really, why wouldn't ISIL do this?  They already mass-murder, rape, enslave, and crucify.  And they're damn sure not worried about anything Obama will do.

I repeat: wonderful people, aren't they?

Tab clearing

A fine response to the "We demand we not have to take/be graded on finals, because butthurt!" students.

"That Palin bitch is SO stupid!"  No, you just wish she was.

Miserable little shit Sunstein wants a permanent code of silence: "Do not criticize- ever- The Obama!"
...they owe the president an absolute undying loyalty for being permitted the “privilege” of serving under Obama.

Once more: they violate laws and ethics, and never pay a real price; we're supposed to trust ANY of these agencies why?

Yeah, a real peaceful protester.

Department of 'Justice', EffingBI, BATF... can anyone give me ANY reason

to trust ANY of these agencies?  About ANYTHING?
The Department of Justice improperly withheld public documents related to Fast and Furious after the first Freedom of Information (FOI) requests for them several years ago. The agency was recently forced to produce some of the materials to the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, which filed a FOI lawsuit to obtain the information. (To date, the Justice Department still has not complied with FOI law in providing the same public documents to me as a FOI requestor.)
Clues as to why President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder kept the public documents secret for so long may be found in one 60-page release examined below. Nearly three years after-the-fact, its news value is diminished. If these documents had been turned over when Congress subpoenaed them or when they were first requested under FOI law, they would have revealed damaging information in the lead-up to President Obama’s re-election in 2012. By exerting executive privilege, the President and Holder kept them hidden until the court challenge forced their release.

The reason for the 60-page grouping of materials isn’t apparent. Documents that long predate Fast and Furious are mixed in with relevant documents. Redactions aren’t justified or explained. Inexplicably, even Congressional testimony that had been publicly presented to Congress was included in documents withheld under President Obama’s sweeping executive privilege.

Maybe we should just make that 'trust ANY federal agency':
  • There is evidence of widespread knowledge of and participation by several federal agencies in the controversial Fast and Furious gunwalking case that let traffickers put thousands of weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.
  • Agencies participating in Fast and Furious included the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement branch (ICE), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Phoenix Police Department.
  • A January 2011 “Key Messages: Tasking Points” memo (p. 14) generated by the Public Affairs Division at ATF headquarters in Washington D.C. stated:
“The Fast and Furious investigation is just one of a number of firearms trafficking cases perfected by the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) Strike Force, a multi-agency team of investigators from ATF, DEA, ICE, IRS, and the Phoenix Police Department.”

Go read.  Note just what kind of crap Obama was hiding under 'executive privilege', how much stuff in documents was/is redacted for not reason other than complicating things, and this:
Clues as to why President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder kept the public documents secret for so long may be found in one 60-page release examined below. Nearly three years after-the-fact, its news value is diminished. If these documents had been turned over when Congress subpoenaed them or when they were first requested under FOI law, they would have revealed damaging information in the lead-up to President Obama’s re-election in 2012. By exerting executive privilege, the President and Holder kept them hidden until the court challenge forced their release.
"Most transparent administration EVER!"  Right.

Hey, Mr. Professional Journalist:

You might remember that this here internet thing means when you act like a dick, people can hear about it.
...When I managed to satisfy his questions, I wanted to know why CNN, when releasing the headlines at issue, couldn’t call it a terrorist attack. Davis explained that they would never jump to a conclusion that anything is a terrorist attack. “Okay”, I said, fully understanding the weight that the word “terrorist” carries. “But by the time it was known that it was four Israelis and two Palestinians, it was known that there were meat cleavers and stabbings involved. Why couldn’t you call it an ‘attack’?” I continued. His response? “You’ve got to be kidding me? One word? Are you brain dead?”
The name of this genius is Richard Davis, a CNN exec(who displays a certain lack of manners) who apparently thinks words don't matter that much.  Unless they bother him, of course.

Some Australians are looking at the jerk who took hostages, and wondering why the hell he was in their country:
Now for the cover-up. Australians are entitled to know, but are highly unlikely to be told, who were the lawyers and officials who advocated that Man Haron Monis be allowed to live in Australia, and then granted citizenship, despite red flag after red flag that he was trouble.

Magistrates, lawyers and police prosecutors collectively decided that Monis, with a long history of harassing behaviour, with links to the brutal murder of his former wife, with charges for sexual assaults of multiple women, with a history of extreme political views, with convictions for writing threatening letters, and with an open record of support for jihad, was deemed no threat to society.
And people who push for answers will be called racist, or islamophobic, or mean, or whatever else the responsible parties can think of to throw at them.