Saturday, April 07, 2012

Thinking about a kilt in a more modern style?

Jennifer happened upon this: a 5.11 tactical(of course...) duty kilt.

From the pictures looks pretty good. I've got a Utilikilt, and it's nice, but this is a hell of a lot less expensive, and has more pockets; if this does come out I'll probably scrape together some money and buy one.

This time last year I'd have given


Chance Thunderstorms Chance for Measurable Precipitation 50%
Hi 71 °F

Chance Thunderstorms Chance for Measurable Precipitation 30%
Lo 52 °F

Chance Thunderstorms Chance for Measurable Precipitation 30%
Hi 72 °F

Slight Chance Thunderstorms Chance for Measurable Precipitation 20%
Slight Chc
Lo 55 °F

Slight Chance Thunderstorms Chance for Measurable Precipitation 20%
Slight Chc
Hi 76 °F

Slight Chance Thunderstorms Chance for Measurable Precipitation 20%
Slight Chc
Lo 54 °F

Slight Chance Thunderstorms Chance for Measurable Precipitation 20%
Slight Chc
Hi 68 °F

Chance Thunderstorms Chance for Measurable Precipitation 30%
Lo 51 °F

one of my testicles for a forecast like this

So if they're 'minimal/minimalist' running shoes,

why do the damn things cost a hundred bucks? Not just the ones with toes, either.

Oh, what will the warmenists do?
The debate about climate change and its impact on polar bears has intensified with the release of a survey that shows the bear population in a key part of northern Canada is far larger than many scientists thought, and might be growing.

The number of bears along the western shore of Hudson Bay, believed to be among the most threatened bear subpopulations, stands at 1,013 and could be even higher, according to the results of an aerial survey released Wednesday by the Government of Nunavut. That’s 66 per cent higher than estimates by other researchers who forecasted the numbers would fall to as low as 610 because of warming temperatures that melt ice faster and ruin bears’ ability to hunt
They will be 'concerned' about it, that's what.
More here.

Speaking of globular warmering bullcrap,
An elderly woman was ordered to find a new GP because the “carbon footprint” of her two-mile round trips to the surgery where she had been treated for 30 years was too large.

For the ladies:

Her small California group, the Wildlands Conservancy, wanted to preserve 600,000 acres of the Mojave. The group raised $45 million, bought the land and deeded it to the federal government.

The conservancy intended that the land be protected forever. Instead, 12 years after accepting the largest land gift in American history, the federal government is on the verge of opening 50,000 acres of that bequest to solar development.

Even worse, in Sall's view, the nation's largest environmental organizations are scarcely voicing opposition. Their silence leaves the conservancy and a smattering of other small environmental organizations nearly alone in opposing energy development across 33,000 square miles of desert land
A: How many millions/billions more of 'loan guarantees for green energy' from Obama & Co. are involved?
B: How much of the Sierra Club and such bending over is because they don't want to oppose Obama, whatever the cost?
C: And how much money are groups like Sierra and NRDC getting out of going along with this crap?

Speaking of critters,
Thankfully, some of the most inviting-looking swimming holes are free of crocodiles.

It's National Tartan Day!

National Tartan Day Resolution

Whereas April 6 has a special significance for all Americans, and especially those Americans of Scottish descent, because the Declaration of Arbroath, the Scottish Declaration of Independence, was signed on April 6, 1320 and the American Declaration of Independence was modelled on that inspirational document;

Whereas this resolution honors the major role that Scottish Americans played in the founding of this Nation, such as the fact that almost half of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were of Scottish descent, the Governors in 9 of the original 13 States were of Scottish ancestry, Scottish Americans successfully helped shape this country in its formative years and guide this Nation through its most troubled times;

Whereas this resolution recognizes the monumental achievements and invaluable contributions made by Scottish Americans that have led to America's preeminence in the fields of science, technology, medicine, government, politics, economics, architecture, literature, media, and visual and performing arts;

Whereas this resolution commends the more than 200 organizations throughout the United States that honor Scottish heritage, tradition, and culture, representing the hundreds of thousands of Americans of Scottish descent, residing in every State, who already have made the observance of Tartan Day on April 6 a success;

Whereas these numerous individuals, clans, societies, clubs, and fraternal organizations do not let the great contributions of the Scottish people go unnoticed:

Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate designates April 6 of each year as "National Tartan Day".

In honor of this, here's a picture from a few years back

And yes, I do find it interesting that
with the economy in the shape it is,
the war in the shape it is,
that the Senate can't pass a budget, but it CAN find time for this

...“it’s very, very unusual to have someone at a field office communicating directly

with someone at the National Security Council.” Well, yeah. Especially when the White House is flatly ignoring "We need to talk to him" letters.

The People's Republic of Maryland told they have to pay attention to the 2nd Amendment; the commissars don't like it.

So this Jim Bell may be the clown at NBC who took what credibility they had and wiped his ass with it.

Arby's just might learn that this isn't the best way to deal with customers

What? Government employees figuring they'll get away with crap?
You're surprised?
Second wife worked at a federal agency in OKC, in the IGs office. Came home one day and, in a kind-of-shocked voice, told me that there were signs in the office(the whole building, if I remember right) saying "Just because you work for the Federal Government doesn't mean you get to skip filing your taxes." And one of the people training her laughed about it, as he hadn't filed his for several years and wasn't worried about it...

Time: We don't care if you catch us, we lie anyway

Personal: after what has to be one of the most effed-up troop movements ever, son is finally on the ground in A'stan. Boy, am I happy.

Thursday, April 05, 2012

This kind of crap is disgusting, but seems to be down to ATF standards

Which is a big part of the damned problem.
Anchorage gun shops are being visited by BATFE agents that are requesting the shops 4473 forms as far back as 2007.

They claim they want to make copies of the “book”. This is defacto registration, against the law, and BATFE knows it.

Please inform everyone you know about this and notify any gun dealers you know that they don’t have to comply. Contact your congressman and senators and demand a full investigation.

I think we need more judges like this one

A lack of leadership at the agency allowed this. Its mission statement – which none of the officers could recall at the trial – is to serve the American public with vigilance, integrity, and professionalism. They displayed none of these. The agency says that integrity is its cornerstone; that its officers are guided by the highest ethical and moral principles. A gang of armed security officers bullied this family – a family who cooperated with the officers to their detriment. Our homeland will not be secure by these rascals. They played agency games, abused the people they are to serve, and violated their oaths to support the Constitution.

In the initial conference, the United States demanded to seize the full amount even though, as the defense counsel mentioned, the recommended forfeiture for a conviction of criminal evasion would have been $500 to $5,000. The United States must pay the $35,131 to Kyle Jones and Berekti Jones and their attorney’s fees and costs of court.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Seems to be the pattern: Throw out crap like this

and try to disappear it when people not on their side take notice.
President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign website has removed several videos that pitched alarmist messages to African-American voters, following reporting by The Daily Caller and the Fox News Channel.

In one video that the campaign yanked from the “African-Americans for Obama” section of its website Tuesday, actress Tatyana Ali seemed to predict that a second Obama term would bring a host of benefits to African-Americans once the president no longer had to concern himself with campaigning.

“What really excites me … is that a U.S. president has only two terms,” a laughing Ali said in the footage that the Obama campaign scrubbed from its website Tuesday. “In the second term, ‘it’s on,’ because we don’t have to worry about re-election.”

And hiding such doesn't hurt when the major media- when not busy falsifying video or audio to push the progressive agenda- won't report on things that show Obama screwing up.
Most summits are mush-mouthed affairs full of pleasantries. Tuesday's "Three Amigos" summit was different: a litany of how President Obama has alienated our neighbors.

You wouldn't know this from reading the mainstream media, which reported the disastrous summit with anodyne headlines like: "Obama talks trade, energy with Canada, Mexico leaders at Summit" (Associated Press) and "Obama, Mexico's Calderon vow more drug crime cooperation" (Reuters).
Energy has become a searing rift between the U.S. and Canada and threatens to leave the U.S. without its top energy supplier.

The Winnipeg Free Press reported that Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper warned Obama the U.S. will have to pay market prices for its Canadian oil after Obama's de facto veto of the Keystone XL pipeline. Canada is preparing to sell its oil to China.

Until now, NAFTA had shielded the U.S. from having to pay global prices for Canadian oil. That's about to change.
Excelsior of Mexico City reported that President Felipe Calderon bitterly brought up Operation Fast and Furious, a U.S. government operation that permitted Mexican drug cartels to smuggle thousands of weapons into drug-war-torn Mexico. This blunder has wrought mayhem on Mexico and cost thousands of lives.

The mainstream U.S. press has kept those questions out of the official press conferences, while Obama has feigned ignorance to the Mexicans and hasn't even apologized.
They've forgotten something: Obama apologizes for things he can blame on someone else, not for his own crap.

NBC wants this to go away, which is a good reason not to let it:
“During our investigation it became evident that there was an error made in the production process that we deeply regret,” NBC News said in a statement e-mailed to The Hollywood Reporter on Tuesday. “We will be taking the necessary steps to prevent this from happening in the future and apologize to our viewers.”

When asked if anyone at Today had lost their job or had been reassigned as a result of the investigation, an NBC spokeswoman said: “We will not be commenting on our course of action.”
This was no 'error': they deliberately, with malice edited that audio to make people hear what NBC wanted them to hear. And they want this to make it go away. Well, you and ABC(with their video editing) took your credibility, wiped your ass with it and threw it away, and we're not going to let it be forgotten.

Well, this had to make some people in the Administration uncomfortable:
The attorney began to answer, thinking the judge was referring to the immediate healthcare case on trial. And that's when Judge Smith dropped the hammer:

"I would like to have from you by noon on Thursday…a letter stating what is the position of the attorney general and the Department of Justice, in regard to the recent statements by the president, stating specifically and in detail in reference to those statements what the authority is of the federal courts in this regard in terms of judicial review.

"That letter needs to be at least three pages single spaced, no less, and it needs to be specific. It needs to make specific reference to the president’s statements and again to the position of the attorney general and the Department of Justice."
Just sucks when you threaten that Judicial Branch thing and they don't take it quietly, doesn't it?

Just heard that, after examining some of the damage in the Dallas-Fort Worth area from the twisters yesterday, looks like one tornado- currently the strongest from what I've heard- was probably a F3. Think about semi-trailers flying around, and know that there are two higher categories... Damn. WUWT has this, including a map of the currently confirmed tracks. And notes that CNN is hyping "GLOBAL WARMENING!!!" as being involved. Makes me want to grab the idiots and say something like "IT'S SPRING, you morons, there's ALWAYS tornadoes in spring around here!"

Also from WUWT, the National Wildlife Federation can officially kiss my ass

Ok, when Obama's supporters are basically asking "What the hell is he doing saying things like that?", it tells you he REALLY stepped in it. Not to mention all the other "This clown is supposedly an expert on Constitutional law?"

I wonder... Ref the ABC and NBC faking, I wonder how big a lawsuit it would take to REALLY get their attention? And maybe make them clean house?
Assuming they give a damn about anything but pushing the preferred narrative, of course.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

And while Obama & Co. are screwing our oil production,

they're working to shove 15% ethanol fuel down our throats.

Personally I think it's a combination: they want to damage oil, they want to force people to this crop-wasting stuff, AND they want to force people to buy new cars that can use this crap.

At Med-Fair last year it was so dry and windy

the blacksmiths were not allowed to light their forges; everyone was scared to death of wildfires. This year the weekend was warm and a bit windy, but the grass was green and the ground soft. It's raining now; I think we've had more last night & today(not severe either, just rain and some thunderboomers) than we'd had all last year to this date.

And down in Texas, the funnels are dancing. Have friends in the area, and south of there. Looks like lots of damage in Arlington where first wife is from.

Totally unrelated to the storms, but a fine example of idiots removing themselves from the gene pool:
Justin Lavalley, 23, of Dallas was speeding west on the highway about 10:20 p.m. when he ran a red light and collided with a car at the Pickwick Lane intersection, police said.

Lavalley was thrown over a brick retaining wall and into a garage at an apartment complex. He was pronounced dead at the scene
I would think so.

Back to weather, some of the current string from Accuweather:
2:52 p.m. CST: "Damage to the house of an elderly couple. Neighbors could not get a hold of them," Arlington scanner #tornado

2:37 p.m. CST: @JonathanDBoles: Crazy video just happened!! Tornado - Arlington, TX

2:33 p.m. CST: @MadStormChasing "Tornado damage to roof of well-built house in Arlington, TX"

2:31 p.m. CST: "Just in: Significant damage reported at Six Flags amusement park in Arlington, Texas," @ProducerMatthew #tornado

2:23 p.m. CST: Up to baseball-sized hail falling north of Irving, Texas.

2:21 p.m. CST: "Tornado #3 is going to pass very close to Texas Motor speedway," @wxbrad #nascar

2:20 p.m. CST: "Traffic advisory issued -- highway near Dallas, Texas shut down due to tornado, 'numerous' vehicles damaged," @ProducerMatthew
Yeah, Spring has sprung.

This clown Tomasky says 'freedom fetish' like it's a bad thing

But then, to him it is...

Yeah, it's OUR fault Chicago is as messed-up as it is... sure, Chief. Just keep kissing Rahms' ass and sucking up that public money for doing it.

'Only Ones', yeah. One law for you, another for them. Some citizen needs to sue the ass of this place for allowing this.

Speaking of Only Ones and lawsuits

Usually this is more of an accusation I've heard

than an advertisement. But I shall wear it proudly at times.

A friend asked me why I'd posted some stuff on FB about the Martin/Zimmerman case; well, when
RWPP bastards like Sharpton and Jackson are trying to get riots started and people killed,
National Socialist Democrats are giving them all the help possible, and using this to attack the 2nd Amendment,
A racist organization is soliciting kidnapping and murder,(along with other calls for arson)
The Dept. of Justice isn't doing a damn thing about that previous point,
NSD idiots are having meltdowns on tv and on the floor of the House,
Major media organizations are throwing what reputation they have left in the toilet, to push a political agenda,
And socialists who keep demanding we be careful of our language are calling for murder,
well, this stuff just pisses me off. Immensely.

Of course, the President basically threatening the Supremes should they dare to flout his will, that pisses me off considerable, too.

The group argued that black, Hispanic and American Indian students from high school programs that offer insufficient preparation cannot compete effectively for University of California system slots.
So, instead of going after the school system to do its damn job, they want the universities to be forced to let unready students in... yeah, because that works so well.

Idiots still admiring a murdering, torturing piece of communist crap because he 'cared' and looked good in a beret. Or because they're idiots.

Oh, and I like this one, too:

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Let's see, who's been running Detroit for decades?

Why, the same people who demand to run us all now.
About 50 students were suspended Thursday from the all-boys Frederick Douglass Academy in Detroit, Mich. for walking out of classes in protest, demanding "an education."

Among their complaints: a lack of consistent teachers, the reassignment of the school principal, educators who abuse sick time and a shortage of textbooks.
Students and parents became increasingly alarmed when Frederick Douglass was no longer listed as an application school in the district -- current students had to apply to attend. Smith told the Free Press that her son was given an A in geometry without taking a final exam.

"It was by default, just for showing up. It wasn't because he earned an A," she said.

NBC: "Who cares about truth? We make up our own!"

Exposed by Fox News and Newsbusters, NBC played the conversation on the “Today Show” as: “This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.”

The unabridged version is:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.

Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?

Zimmerman: He looks black.
As blunt as it gets: you cannot trust NBC to simply cover facts; you can count on them to change the information to push the favored narrative.

And don't forget CNN conveniently leaving out a witness who damages the preferred narrative.

I've been lectured about how nothing that comes from Faux News or Breitbart or(fill in the blank) can be trusted because they're not 'professional journalists'; well, they don't seem to be professional liars twisting the information, either...