Saturday, December 24, 2011

Have you shaved? Bought premium self-defense ammo?

Then they're watching YOU
Potential Indicators of Terrorist Activities Related to Firearms Shops and Ranges.

Larry Niven wrote some sci-fi in which punishment

for many crimes was being sentenced to the organ banks; looks like the PRC liked the idea.

Ah, President Lightworker says "The law? I don't have to obey the law if I don't like it." He really doesn't like that 'separation of powers' thing, does he?

And, just as a ho-ho-ho,

Friday, December 23, 2011

Shooting a piece of history: K-22 Outdoorsman

Remember the question about ‘plated vs. lead .22 ammo’, and the pistol with the dry parkerized finish? Well, this is the beast that was about, borrowed for a tryout and a picture:

At Cosmoline and Rust Tam had a post about the K-22 Combat and Target Masterpiece pistols, beginning 1940; this pistol is part of The Rest of the Story.

In 1931 S&W started selling a .22 revolver made on the K frame, called the K-22 Outdoorsman(collectors say First Model). The early production had a gold bead front sight, changed to a stainless bead after September 1931. During the depression this thing sold pretty well, which tells you something about the accuracy and reliability; people looking for an accurate .22 revolver for target or small game use liked them. A lot. Originally it had grips similar to these, then in 1936 the Magna grips became available for it. There was also an option for a ‘hump back’ hammer, designed to make for faster cocking.

In 1939 they stopped production, after making a little over 17k of them, which included a group made with fixed sights for the Coast Guard shooting team, in order to bring out an improved model . The Second Model, the K-22 Masterpiece, came out 1940 and had the shorter action(shorter hammer throw), overtravel stop and click-type adjustable rear sight. Those also had either the gold or stainless bead front sight and Magna stocks; both these and the Outdoorsman had round non-ribbed barrels. Production stopped after one year (in 1941 for all target models), with the start of wartime production for the military forces(if you haven't read Tam's piece yet, it starts with the 1940 model).

The owner says this one had no grips when he found it, the proper would be this design but with the S&W badge on them. From what we could find out the parkerizing was done sometime after it left the factory, I’m guessing someone wanted it for hunting or trapline use; it’s obviously been used, and cared for: holster wear in the places you’d expect but no rust or pitting, and the bore and chambers are spotless. The action is smooth, lockup tight, single-action pull light and clean. No bead on the front sight, just a Patridge square post; special order, maybe, or changed same time the parkerizing was done.

It shoots like you’d expect from a pre-War S&W: very well. Better than I can do justice to without better eyes. Shooting at an indoor range with slightly dim light, single-action at 20 yards from a rest I was able to shoot a couple of groups of right at 1"; the trigger's a bit heavier than my later K-22 Combat, but breaks clean. For myself I'd put a set of bigger grips on, but that's personal preference added to a fine piece of design and craftsmanship.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Oh, the weasel's in the DOJ henhouse for real!

Borrowing this post from Sipsey:
I met the Daily Caller's Matthew Boyle when I went to DC for the 8 December hearing. He's young, 24, driven and very smart. He was the guy whose stories on the increasing cascade of congressional calls for resignation provoked Eric Holder into his paranoid episode.

Matthew was as proud as a frog eating fire that Darrell Issa used that now semi-iconic photo and quote as a backdrop for the 8 December opening questioning.
Well, if Holder didn't like that, he's sure not going to like this troika of Boyle stories today. This is what I was hinting at earlier in my post about the possible opening of a Second Front in the Gunwalker investigation. The Second Front is here.
First, comes this lovely line from Congressman Jason Chaffetz: “The Attorney General is always involved in very serious matters . . . It’s the nature of the job. If he can’t handle it and thinks it’s somehow based on something other than his performance, maybe it is time for him to get another job.”
Next, young Matthew brings us this: "RNC chairman promises to make Fast and Furious a 2012 election theme."
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus reiterated his call for Attorney General Eric Holder’s resignation on Wednesday, and promised Operation Fast and Furious will be an election issue in 2012. “Holder may want to point fingers and play the blame game, but as the Attorney General, he bears the responsibility,” Priebus told The Daily Caller. “It’s past time for the attorney general to come clean and take responsibility and if he doesn’t, he has a boss who should.” “Obama’s leadership deficit in holding the members of his administration accountable demonstrates yet again that the president is taking Washington in the wrong direction and only making things worse,” said Preibus. “If Obama won’t fire Holder, we will,” Priebus added. “We’ll fire the whole team in just 11 months.”

Ah, yes, the stone albatross of a dope-on-a-rope. Of course the Obamanoids knew that that was part of the equation when they backed Holder and embraced him, hair on fire and all. But this next story. . . this makes it even worse.
"Lieberman directs staff to investigate Fast and Furious coordination."
Connecticut independent Sen. Joe Lieberman has directed the staff of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, which he chairs, to investigate miscommunication between law enforcement agencies related to the Justice Department’s Operation Fast and Furious.
A spokesperson told The Daily Caller Wednesday that Lieberman “believe[s] that the lack of interagency coordination along the border merits further examination, and as Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, he has directed his staff to follow up with the relevant federal agencies on that topic.”
OOOOOH. "Interagency coordination." Watch out Bobby, Janet and Hillary. Yer underwear is showing.
Worse for the Gunwalker Conspirators is that with the addition of Joe Lieberman to the sleuthing team, this has suddenly become a bi-partisan "witch hunt."
The Second Front has arrived, with hearings promised for the rest of the Obama presidency, however long that may be.
Now, I'm not all that trusting of Lieberman; he's been a big 'We should control what/where/how much guns and ammo the peasants own' guy for a long time. But there's a fair chance that he'll actually want to DO something about this mess; we'll see. In any case, hearing about this has got to be giving the Obama administration piles on their hemorrhoids. Especially with this going public:
On March 24, 2009, David Ogden, who was Deputy Attorney General at the time, announced new efforts with Project Gunrunner "as directed by the president." Ogden says he and Attorney General Eric Holder are taking "several new and aggressive steps as part of the administration's comprehensive plan."
"What was that, Mr. Holder, about

Along with Gunwalker, let's look at some other things at DoJ that should have people in prison:
A career employee in the Voting Section of Justice’s Civil Rights Division has confessed to committing perjury, sources say. The employee, Stephanie Celandine Gyamfi, reportedly told investigators from the Inspector General’s Office that she perjured herself during an inquiry into Justice Department leaks during the previous administration. Despite the admission, she has not been fired for criminal malfeasance. Indeed, it appears she has not been disciplined in any meaningful way at all.

The genesis of Ms. Gyamfi’s perjury is apparently rooted in political attacks on the Bush Justice Department. Throughout 2005-2007, numerous attorney-client privileged documents, confidential personnel information, and other sensitive legal materials were leaked from inside the Voting Section to the Washington Post and various left-wing blogs.

One of the most prominent leaks involved the Voting Section’s privileged, internal analysis of the 2003 Texas congressional redistricting plan, submitted to the Civil Rights Division in October 2003 for review under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. The contents of the internal memorandum appeared on the front page of the Washington Post on Dec. 2, 2005, to great fanfare from Democrats on Capitol Hill and their surrogates in the liberal blogosphere.
...In a third interview, she was once again questioned about her role in the leaks. At first, she adamantly denied involvement. Then, however, she was confronted with e-mail documents rebutting her testimony.

At that point, she immediately broke down and confessed that she had lied to the investigators three separate times. Since IG interviewees are all required to take an oath to tell the truth upon penalty of perjury, and investigators record all interviews, an audio recording of these admissions must exist in the IG files. Mind you, Ms. Gyamfi did not say she misunderstood the questions. She did not claim to have forgotten something and later remembered it. Instead, she plainly admitted her deceit and ascribed her motive to attempting to protect the “other people” involved, i.e., the other career staff (mostly attorneys) who also violated their oaths of office and their professional obligations by publicizing confidential legal opinions and analyses.
Amazingly, despite Ms. Gyamfi’s admission of committing perjury not once, but three times, she so far has been neither terminated nor disciplined by the Justice Department. In fact, her boss, Voting Section Chief Chris Herren, continues to assign her to the most politically sensitive of matters, including the Department’s review of Texas’s congressional redistricting plan.

More disturbing, according to my sources, is that Ms. Gyamfi is now being treated as a hero by some of her Voting Section colleagues. Many of them are gratified at her efforts — illegitimate or not — to make the Bush administration look bad in its preclearance of Texas’s earlier redistricting submission.
Assuming the DoJ actually gives a rats ass about honor and the law, she AND EVERY BRASS HAT WHO TOLERATED/HELPED IN/REFUSED TO DEAL WITH THIS should be fired and prosecuted. If there were a place where zero tolerance belonged it's in the DoJ toward people who commit perjury and those who assist them.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

They do grow up

Son has advised that, due to circumstances, won't be coming home for Christmas. Going to save the (short)leave time available and try to take a bit longer leave early next year. Before they deploy to bloody Afghanistan, which he just found out for sure early this month.

After reading, this past while, about the Afghan government telling rape victims "You can be pardoned from your death sentence for illegal sex if you marry the rapist" and other such things, and its working with terrorists and so forth, I'm about convinced that
A: Bombing most of Afghanistan back into the stone age might well be an improvement, and
B: The world would be a safer and happier place.

I can't remember who wrote it a while back, that the best solution would be to, after sufficient cause, going in with a force and stomping hell out of the bad guys and their supporters and telling them, just before we leave, "Don't make us come back." Problem is, we don't have enough politicians with the balls and sense of reality to do it.

Amazing how some sleep helps you hit the right keys

So the PRC must be in a real hole: too many people know what's going on for them to just disappear the problem into camps and graves. So they agree with some points. As to whether they'll actually honor the agreement, we'll see.

So 'ultra-realistic' Nerf guns are a threat to the mental health of the children...

At that point Monckton asked him to acknowledge that the science was nowhere nearly as clear cut as he had proclaimed. The official refused to do so, asserted “I have work to do,” and walked off.

Josh had been filming the entire exchange, but now an aide put a hand over the camera lens. When I remarked that just walking off was bad manners, the aide said “You are not worth debating.” I replied, “All he had to do was answer two simple questions.” I was amazed when the aide responded, “He is the Secretary General of the World Meteorological Organisation. He does not have to answer your questions.” The aide then walked off just as rudely as his boss had.
What, you expected Annointed Ones of AGW to answer questions from peasants? Really.[/sarcasm]

Make no mistake: These bills aren't simply unconstitutional, they are anticonstitutional. They would allow for the wholesale elimination of entire websites, domain names, and chunks of the DNS (the underlying structure of the whole Internet), based on nothing more than the "good faith" assertion by a single party that the website is infringing on a copyright of the complainant. The accused doesn't even have to be aware that the complaint has been made.

Yeah, I want to see it

Hey, that's Watson as Bilbo!

When Sara got an offer to go watch the Houston Texans play the Carolina Panthers on Sunday, she jumped at the opportunity. She knew her husband would have loved to have gone to Reliant Stadium to watch his beloved team play. Plus, she and Landon had never been to a game before.

... the team brought Sara to the game under the pretense that she and her son would be part of a halftime ceremony in which Landon would receive a bike and Scott's memory would be celebrated by the 71,500 in attendance. Both those things happened, but a much bigger surprise awaited.

The team told Sara she and Landon would be receiving a custom-built, mortgage-free house in a Houston suburb. It's courtesy Operation Finally Home, an organization that builds houses for wounded and disabled veterans or their widowed families.
Damn. That's excellent.

Ah, the wonderful people of the Brady Campaign; lying by, ah, 'leaving out' some inconvenient information... just the kind of thing we've come to expect of them.

Speaking of these bigots, yeah, it must have been painful to write it:
Brady Campaign Amicus Brief, DC v Heller, 2008:
I. In holding that the Second Amendment protects
ownership of handguns for private purposes such as
hunting and self-defense, the lower court read out of
the Amendment its first thirteen words, thus violating
the fundamental rule that the Constitution must be interpreted
to give meaning to all of its words.... etc.
Brady Campaign Amicus Brief Embody v Ward, 2011:
Because assault weapons, unlike handguns, are not widely used for defensive purposes, and because such weapons pose particularly acute public safety concerns, restrictions on their possession and use do not offend the Second Amendment.
I have the image of a Gollum-like "AHHHHHHHH! It BURNS!!!" as they typed it.

Also, speaking of gun bigots, some commentary on their arguments(which often seem primarily to be insults and bullcrap)

My, the Sheriff seems to have upset the feds a bit.

And that's it for the morning.

So; while that idiot Goldberg has 'my fingers crossed'

for communism, in the PRC,
The villagers continue to police themselves but remain on alert for government snatch squads.

Lin says he believes the authorities will keep their word to avoid more unrest.

"Zhu and other officials stressed over and over again they would not come in the village and arrest people," he said.

"If they do not agree to our three requests, with the release of Xue's body pending within about 10 days, we will go on the march as planned," he warned.
The PRC probably doesn't know just how many people it's killed in the name of communism; North Korea was one of the finest examples of what communism tends to be; people still risk their lives to get out of Cuba, Venezuela is being ruined, and on and on, and idiots like Goldberg still have hopes for it...

I'll note she was the clown who defended the drugging and rape of a girl because 'it wasn't RAPE rape'.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

So Mitt Romney supports the 2nd Amendment; but only IF... Updated

Handgun Ownership: In order to understand Mitt Romney’s actions here, it is necessary to give a little background information about Massachusetts gun control laws: In 1998, Massachusetts established a list of “safety” criteria for handguns sold in the state. The criteria were designed to disqualify most handguns. The Roster is the list of those few makes and models which have passed the testing requirements.

Mitt Romney created two exemptions: One for handguns already licensed in the state prior to October 21, 1998, and one for “match-grade” pistols (high-dollar handguns purpose-built for shooting competitions).

The 1998 exemption is significant when one understand the “preban effect”: Some gun laws are written with an effective date, where firearms sold after the date are subject to the law, while those sold before the date are “grandfathered”. Since there is a limited supply of grandfathered items, the sale price of those items skyrockets.

The net effect of Mitt Romney’s exemptions was this: In Massachusetts, a person now has three options for legally owning a handgun: 1) an expensive pre-1998 handgun; 2) an expensive “safety-approved” handgun; 3) an expensive match-grade handgun.
Much more at the link. Including how his "We worked this out with the support of gun owners, And It Was Good" line is a load of crap.

Update: from Jay G in comments:
Mitt Romney had nothing to do with the 1998 Gun control Act in MA.

That was Paul Cellucci.

Mitt Romney signed the 2004 Assault Weapons Ban in MA.

Completely different animal, but same sentiment. I can own a 17 year old magazine that holds 11+ rounds, but not a new one. I can't have a bayonet on my new AR-15, but if I find one made before Sept. 1994 it's fine.

Romney sucks on 2A issues, but he can't be saddled with the 1998 GCA.

Just what kind of effing idiots does Las Vegas hire

for their LE people?
Las Vegas police had a plan to end an hour-long standoff with an unarmed Gulf War veteran: One officer would fire a non-lethal beanbag shell at the window of the man's Cadillac, and another officer would follow-up with pepper spray to force the man from the car.

But that plan went awry when another officer fired a military-style assault rifle into the car, killing 43-year-old Stanley Lavon Gibson, police said Friday.

"Almost immediately after the beanbag round penetrated the rear passenger window, a second officer discharged seven rounds from an AR-15 rifle, striking and killing Gibson," police said.
One of the questions that comes to mind: was this a AR15, or a M16 variant? If the latter, dumbass may have had the selector on 'full'; if the former then the brainless moron actually pulled the trigger seven effing times.

I finally made it to this place;

if you're in central OK and have a chance, you should. I mean, they've got a freakin' whale skeleton hanging up there! And gorillas, and people, and birds, and snakes, and an elephant, and... a bunch of other critters.

Added: Dirty Jobs did a segment at Skulls Unlimited a couple of years back, found part of the show here

Our noble AG Holder: "You're just after me because you're a racist!

Oh, that's not really what I meant!"

Also, some comments on the NYEffingTimes clown Charlie Savage and his sucking up to Holder & Co.

Speaking of Gunwalker, Sipsey has something interesting, printed in full:
Interesting new ATF internal document generated the day before the 4 February "withdrawn" (lying) DOJ letter to Grassley.
The link for the pdf of this letter is here.
U.S. Department of Justice
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
February 3, 2011
MEMORANDUM TO: Special Agent in Charge, Dallas Field Division
THRU: Resident Agent in Charge , Lubbock Field Office
FROM: Gary M. Styers, Special Agent, Lubbock Field Office
SUBJECT: Contact with Congressional Investigators
On February 2, 2011, at approximately 1500 hours, ATF Special Agent Gary Styers was contacted telephonically by Robert Donovan and Brian Downey, representing United States Senator Chuck Grassley and the Senate Judiciary Committee. Downey and Donovan after identifying themselves asked Special Agent Styers if he would be willing to answer some questions regarding the time Special Agent Styers spent on a detail to the Phoenix Field Division, Phoenix Group VII Office. Special Agent Styers said he would be willing to answer questions to the best of his knowledge.
Special Agent Styers was asked if he was familiar with the large firearms trafficking case in Phoenix Group VII and Special Agent Styers said he was. Downey and Donovan asked if Special Agent Styers knew the name of the case and he responded that it was "Fast and Furious". Downey and Donovan then asked if Special Agent Styers knew who the case agent was and Special Agent Styers said it was Special Agent Hope McAllister. Special Agent Styers was also asked who the supervisor of the group was and Special Agent Styers said it was Group Supervisor David Voth. Downey and Donovan also asked who helped Special Agent McAllister, Special Agent Styers said that Special Agent McAllister had a CoCase Agent from hnmigration and Customs Enforcement CICE) as well as an agent from Group VII. Downey and Donovan asked who was the Agent from ICE and Special Agent Styers told them it was Lane France.
Downey and Donovan asked Special Agent Styers ifhe knew what the agents were assigned to do on the investigation. Special Agent Styers explained that a group of agents were assigned to the case and that since the case was in the stage of an active wiretap, some agents were working within the group and others were working at various functions related to the wire. Special Agent Styers further said that he did not specifically know the role of each individual agent.
Downey and Donovan inquired as to the role that Special Agent Styers had in this case and Special Agent Styers advised that he had assisted with some surveillance operations with the case. Special Agent Styers was asked to describe the operations and relayed that one of the operations was a suspected transaction that was to occur at a gas station and detailed agents were asked to cover the transaction. While positioning to observe the suspects, Special Agent Styers and other detailed agents were told by Special Agent McAllister that agents were too close and would burn the operation. Special Agent McAllister told all the agents to leave the immediate area. While the agents were repositioning, the transaction between the suspects took place and the vehicle that took possession of the firearms eventually left the area without agents following it.
Downey and Donovan asked Special Agent Styers ifhe ever saw guns actually go into Mexico. Special Agent Styers said he did not see any firearms cross the border to Mexico. They also asked if Special Agent Styers had worked with any agencies in Mexico, Special Agent Styers relayed that he had not, but had knowledge that other agents within Group VII spoke of communication with other ATF Special Agents assigned in Mexico.
Downey and Donovan then asked if Special Agent Styers had any knowledge that Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) were reporting suspected straw purchasers. Special Agent Styers explained that FFLs were indeed reporting such situations and that Special Agent Styers had numerous contacts with FFLs in the Phoenix area and had also worked inside of an FFL in an undercover capacity, while an individual attempted a large scale straw purchase. Special Agent Styers told Downey and Donovan that in speaking with the FFL holder and owner of the gun shop, he told Special Agent Styers that he had asked ATF to install cameras inside his shop and to have an undercover agent inside on a more regular basis. Downey and Donovan inquired as to what the procedures were and who handled the calls from the FFLs when they reported such suspected transactions. Special Agent Styers told them that he had no knowledge of any special procedures. If the FFLs called during normal business hours, Special Agent Styers assumed that, if they called the office number, their call was handled by the Group Supervisor.
Special Agent Styers also told Downey and Donovan that if the FFLs were calling individual agents within the group, he had no direct knowledge of those calls and what the ATF response was to those reports. However, Special Agent Styers did tell Downey and Donovan that he had heard from within the group that FFLs were calling case agents.
With regards to statistics and reporting, Downey and Donovan, questioned Special Agent Styers as to whether he had any knowledge of "padding of statistics or inconsistent reporting". Special Agent Styers advised them that he had no knowledge of a wide scale effort to skew statistics. However, Special Agent Styers relayed that he did question the Group Supervisor as to why he wanted Special Agent Styers to trace firearms that had not been recovered. Special Agent Styers was assigned to the investigation and provided the ATF Form 4473s, the Firearms Transaction Record, and told to trace said frrearms. Special Agent Styers asked as to why, when ATF has the Suspect Gun Database, which is designed for such firearms that have yet to be recovered by law enforcement. Group Supervisor Voth said he wanted them traced so that if someone else traced the firearms, they would know the firearms were connected to the case Special Agent Styers was assigned. Special Agent Styers relayed that even though he disagreed with the requested procedures, he follow the request of Group Supervisor Voth. Special Agent Styers also informed Donovan and Downey that he asked several agents also assigned to Group VII if they had to submit similar firearms traces and they replied that they in fact also were told to trace all firearms in a similar fashion.
Special Agent Styers was then asked about his general impression of the Fast and Furious case. Special Agent Styers stated that the case had systematically divided and isolated agents from the group. The case agent had solicited the advice of numerous experienced agents, inclucding Special Agent Styers, regarding how to conduct and end the wiretap operations and case overall. Special Agent Styers gave the case agent his honest opinion and advice since Special Agent Styers had worked two wiretap investigations in his career. Special Agent Styers felt that his advice and opinions, as well as other agents' advice and opinions were widely disregarded. Along with other agents within the group, Special Agent Styers explained that he was no longer asked to assist with Fast and Furious and concentrated on his assigned cases and provided necessary assistance to fellow agents within the detail and group.
Downey and Donovan asked Special Agent Styers what he felt was incorrect about the way the Fast and Furious case was conducted. Special Agent Styers explained that first and foremost, it is unheard of to have an active wiretap investigation without full time dedicated surveillance units on the ground. Special Agent Styers relayed that no agents in the group were assigned to surveillance on the Fast and Furious case. Special Agent Styers said that other agencies or task force officers may have been used to conduct surveillance and respond to calls of FFLs, but it seemed that either the case agent or Group Supervisor would poll the office for agents who were available to respond at short notice.
Secondly, Special Agent Styers said that it appeared odd to have a majority of ATF Agents working on a wiretap investigation, who had never worked such a case. Especially, when numerous, permanent Group VII agents and detailers had previous wiretap experience.
Special Agent Styers was provided with contact information for Downey and Donovan and the conversation was ended. Special Agent Styers contacted the Lubbock Resident Agent in Charge, Jim Luera at 1545 hours after the conversation with Downey and Donovan ended, to inform him of the contact. Special Agent Styers was later asked to document the conversation herein and attempted to do so to the fullest extent possible.
Gary M. Styers
Special Agent, ATF

Monday, December 19, 2011

I heard this morning that one of the worst communist dictators

in modern history died. Due to circumstances I've been concentrating on trying to sleep instead of listening to news, so I wonder: have any of the major media weenies talking about his assumption of ambient temperature mentioned the 'communist dictator' part?
(someone just said about reports of people 'wailing in the streets' over the death: "Yeah, tear gas does that to you.")

Speaking of that part of the world, ran across this on the current 'mass incident' in China.
...since farmers are neither allowed to negotiate directly on the compensation package, nor are they allowed to develop their own land for non-agricultural purposes. They have to sell their land to local government first, which defines the price then leases the land to industrial and commercial/residential users for a profit. As land prices keep rising in China, it is not surprising that farmers with rising expectations are becoming increasingly unhappy. As a result, mass incidents, sometimes as violent as in Wukan, are inevitable. Local authorities in China, in their pursuit of revenue via aggressive urbanisation and industrialisation, are also undermining the country's grassroots democracy.
He says that almost like he's surprised a bunch of communists would screw up a move toward actual representative government.
A little further along,
One township party secretary I interviewed in Fujian province said: "If election rules are followed strictly, [we] will lose control of the rural society. Village cadres will be afraid of villagers, not the township government. They can put off assignments from the township government and compromise the tasks during implementation. Therefore … local officials are willing to introduce rules that subvert the true meaning of village democracy. This is also the case in Wukan in which farmers are protesting not only against local governments, but also against villager cadres who worked with the authorities in abusive land requisition.
Gee, that sounds like communists and corrupt officials wanting to keep running things, doesn't it?

In opposition to the dictator, Vaclav Havel died the other day; I doubt he'll get as many good mentions as the Nork dictator, since he opposed communism.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi: corrupt bitch.

On this day in 1944 a bunch of under-equipped troops in absolutely effing lousy weather were stopping the last major German attack in the west. Some units, with lots of replacements fresh out of training, broke; a bunch of them in small groups still kept annoying the nazis. And they stopped them.

I read a couple of years ago that Patton didn't want to move to relieve Bastogne; he wasn't really worried about the Airborne holding it. He wanted to drive something like 15-20 miles up the German left flank and THEN turn west, and cut them off. Experience had shown that troops unable to receive supplies and replacements were a lot easier to convince to surrender, and easier to kill if they didn't. And he was still pissed about the number of German troops who escaped from the Falaise Pocket and had to be fought again later because he wasn't allowed to close it off completely*.

Speaking of dealing with enemies: Joe Biden; is there any level of stupidity he can't stoop to? 'The Taliban is not our enemy' my ass.

No, that is NOT a comforting thought

War dogs. One question: how the HELL did a Yorkie wind up in the bloody New Guinea jungle?

*Until I read about some of this, I didn't realize just how badly a lot of people, including a lot in the British Army, despised Montgomery. Apparently the only thing keeping him from getting thrown off the Staff was political considerations; he tended to write checks his troops couldn't cash. Tough, experienced, GOOD troops, but if you get them into something they can't do in the time allotted...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

People they really shouldn't have messed with

It's 1939 New York, and a diminutive Jewish gentleman is strolling the streets, just generally going about his business, which may or may not revolve around being Jewish and tiny -- we're not here to assume. And then he spots a sign outside an unadorned building simply reading "No dogs or Jews allowed." Anger wells up within him, and despite all better judgment, our 5'4" hero storms off to fetch himself a ladder and a bat. When he returns, he tears the sign from the wall and hurls it to the ground, where it lands ... right at the feet of the 20 or so angry Nazis watching from below.

Yes, the building was a Nazi headquarters, and it was just chock full of violent, racist assholes. They knocked over the small man's ladder and closed in on him from all sides. One thing was for sure: Somebody wasn't walking away from this fight.

And that "somebody" was 20 Nazis.

and #2,
In Manchester, England, a group of lazy car thieves were walking down the street, just trying all of the car doors and hoping for an open one. Lo and behold, glory and hallelujah, they found one! Geoff's gettin' his Burberry on tonight, yo! Inside, the boys found a sweet haul of stereo equipment, personal valuables and, oh yeah -- four armed members of the British Army's Special Air Service.

The whole list here

Never saw this strip before

Now I'll slowly be catching up. Damn you, Correia!

In other news, whatever tripped my allergy, I really wish it'd go away.