Friday, November 11, 2011

Eric Holder is a bastard of the lowest class

There's just no other way to put it.
Politico reported Thursday that Attorney General Eric Holder sent a “private letter” to the family of murdered Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, apologizing for his death. But friends of the Terry family have told The Daily Caller that no such letter has made it to the Terry home.

“Eric Holder has told the grieving family of slain U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry that he is ‘sorry for the loss of your son’ and offered to meet with them,” reporter Tim Mak wrote.

Holder’s letter, Mak wrote, praised the fallen Border Patrol Agent: “Brian was a hero who served his nation bravely and made the ultimate sacrifice. I agree with you that the tactic of allowing guns to ‘walk,’ as was permitted in Operation Fast and Furious, is completely unacceptable.”

The Holder letter may exist, but Politico hasn’t published it. And friends of the Terry family told The Daily Caller on Thursday that they haven’t received it.

Either Holder never sent his “private letter,” or the Justice Department leaked it to Politico before the Terry family received it.

“He never sent a letter,” Lana Domino, a Terry family friend, told TheDC on Thursday.

“I talk to them daily,” Domino added. “They never received an apology. They never received a letter.”
So Holder caught a load of shit for his response to being asked about this, and SHAZAM!, there's a letter of 'apology'. That appears in a friendly media site when the Terry family hasn't seen it.

So either he sent something to Politico to show how pained he is over F&F becoming known to the publicover Terry's death without bothering to actually send a copy to the Terry family, or they were in such a rush to cover their ass on this that they gave it to Politico BEFORE THEY GOT IT TO THE FAMILY.

These people really are beneath contempt, aren't they?

No, don't really have time; someone mentioned this, and this kind of crap HAS to be yelled about.

"You have free speech as long as OWS agrees with what you say!"

Even though it was nearly impossible to hear council members speak, Grabelle dismissed council members' complaint that they didn't have the freedom to speak.

"From my perspective, they're free to speak," said Grabelle, who works for the California Nurses Association. "We're shouting them down because we don't want them to bring thousands of police to downtown Oakland. ... They should allow us to freely assemble."
They've been freely assembled and assaulting people and ruining businesses and vandalizing places for how long now? And shouting down someone they're upset with is 'freedom of speech'. Wonderful people, aren't they?

Just a quite post, ran across this and had to say something.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Gunwalker: one more post before I get busy

on regular daily stuff: first, Holder really, REALLY doesn't want the committee to talk to these people:
Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley said Thursday that Attorney General Eric Holder is continuing to stonewall congressional investigation into Operation Fast and Furious. This time, Holder is refusing to provide 11 of the 12 witnesses Grassley and House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa have requested be made available for interviews.

“We have requested 12 Justice Department witnesses be made available for transcribed interviews,” Grassley said in a Thursday Senate Judiciary Committee executive business meeting. “Despite the department’s promises of good faith cooperation, only one witness has been provided so far — former U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke. The department has refused to schedule interviews with any of the other 11 witnesses. That’s not the good faith cooperation I was promised, and it is unacceptable.”

Grassley and Issa are demanding to know who was involved in crafting a February 4 letter to the Department of Justice sent to Congress, which contained claims — now understood to be false — that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives did not allow guns to walk into Mexico.

And from Sipsey,
Recall this from earlier this week:
"Some of the overheated rhetoric might lead you to believe that this local Arizona based operation was somehow the cause of the epidemic of gun violence in Mexico. In fact, Fast and Furious was a flawed response to and not the cause of the flow of illegal guns from the United States into Mexico." -- Eric Holder, testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee, 8 November 2011.
Senator John Cornyn wasn't about to let him get away with the "local" defense, i.e. blaming Phoenix:
"On August the 7th, I sent you a letter, asking you about the Texas connections, and I got a letter back last Friday from your subordinates, saying that you were unable to provide more information at this time. I'm hopeful you will be able to provide more information, because we know that the weapons from Fast and Furious have shown up at 11 different crime scenes in the United States, and this is far from, as you'd stated earlier, a local law enforcement operation in terms of its impact." -- Senator John Cornyn to Eric Holder, ibid.
Which then led to this exchange:
CORNYN: OK. Well, let me go on to something else. Do you still contend this is still a local law enforcement operation?

HOLDER: No, no; it's a federal -- oh, no, no, that -- don't misinterpret that. It's a -- it's a federal law enforcement...


CORNYN: Well, they're your words. You said it was it was...

HOLDER: No, no...

CORNYN: ... a local law enforcement...

HOLDER: Well, then, that's my fault.

CORNYN: ... opening testimony.

HOLDER: Well, that's my fault. It's a federal law enforcement operation that was concerned -- that was of local -- of local concern. It was not a national operation. (Emphasis supplied, MBV.)

CORNYN: Well, it metastasized, didn't it, to Mexico, it metastasized to Texas, and obviously Arizona. So it wasn't certainly local in effect. Well, you would agree with that?

HOLDER: Well, as I indicated in my opening statement, the impact of the mistakes made in Fast and Furious are going to be felt in Mexico, in United States, and probably for years to come.
"It was not a national operation."

We already have reporting from FOX and CBS that there were a number of gunwalking operations in a number of states. There is also the reporting by David Codrea and myself on the Tampa operation walking firearms to Honduras and more by David documenting gunwalking domestically in Indiana.

Holder however testified that the gunwalking was "local" and not "national." As a charter member of the Coalition of Willing Lilliputians commented yesterday, "Holder is placing a LOT of cards in his deck on the 'localized' aspect." If Holder can be proven a liar or even unaware of multiple locations or operations involving gunwalking, he said, that Holder is "seriously vulnerable."

Indeed he is.

"Seriously vulnerable" as in a demonstrated perjurer.

Also found this at Sipsey; the bolding is mine:
Press release from the Issa Committee:

November 9, 2011

Issa Presses DOJ Official on False Statement to Congress in Fast and Furious Probe

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa today pressed Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs Ronald Weich for documents and other information related to a false statement Weich made to Congress regarding gun walking that took place in the reckless gun smuggling investigation known as Operation Fast and Furious. According to agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) “walking” guns occurs when agents or officials intentionally allow known criminals to leave the observation that occurs during a controlled law enforcement operation with weapons.

On February 4, 2011, Weich stated the following in letter to Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) who had asked if allegations that officials had intentionally allowed criminals to guns had been “walked” in Operation Fast and Furious:

“ATF makes every effort to interdict weapons that have been purchased illegally and prevent their transportation to Mexico.”

Evidence gathered during the course of the congressional investigation into Operation Fast and Furious has shown that this statement was untrue – ATF, in allowing guns to walk, did not make every effort to interdict them and prevent their transfer to Mexico. Evidence gathered in the investigation has also shown that senior Justice Department officials knew at the time Weich made his statement in February that it was untrue.

“Mr. Weich, as you are well aware, it is a crime to knowingly make false statements to Congress,” Chairman Issa writes in his letter to Weich. “As DOJ’s principal liaison to Congress, we rely on you to be straight with the facts. You have not been, and so your credibility on this issue has been seriously eroded. Whether it is the case that you were fed a lie and faithfully repeated it in a letter to Congress, or whether it is the case that you took the initiative to lie to Congress yourself, you are responsible for the contents of letters that bear your signature.”

Chairman Issa’s letter demands a complete list of individuals who helped prepare the February 4, 2011, letter to Senator Grassley as well as all documents relating to the preparation of that letter referring or relating to the development of DOJ’s response to Senator Grassley’s January 27, 2011 request for information.
PDF of the whole letter here.

Now, I don't know about you, but that 'you are responsible' line ought to scare hell out of Weich; reads like a warning to 'come clean or else'. Assuming, of course, that the Stupid Party leadership(I'm talking 'bout you, Boehner) has the balls and integrity to actually DO something about it.

And I'm gone for a bit.

I think I'll start the day with the NLRB and its slavery

to the unions and Obama:
New documents obtained by Judicial Watch show acting National Labor Relations Board General Counsel Lafe Solomon joking that the NLRB’s suit against Boeing would kill jobs in South Carolina. Commenting on a Planet Labor article whose headline suggests Boeing might not be able to open its new plant in South Carolina because of “antiunion behavior,” Solomon writes:

The article gave me a new idea. You go to geneva and I get a job with airbus. We screwed up the us economy and now we can tackle europe.

Solomon goes on to complain that Obama NLRB nominee Craig Becker may be getting the credit for the Boeing suit: “I didn’t read all of the meltwater articles but some of the headlines tie boeing to craig. Unbelievable.”

Solomon’s colleague, outgoing NLRB Chairwoman Wlima Liebman, replies by soothing Soloman’s bruised ego. “None of the articles tie craig to boeing. Just mention his recess appointment. No one is raining on your parade,” Liebman wrote in reply.
Well, in the wake of the NLRB’s unprecedented lawsuit against Boeing, there has been talk of the lone Republican on the board resigning to deny it a quorum. That would paralyze the NLRB, preventing it from additional power grabs for a while. The Nov. 3 order is a way around that. If Brian Hayes, the GOP NLRB member, resigns, then by the authority of this order Lafe Solomon effectively takes over and can certify union snap elections, continue suing American companies on behalf of Big Labor, and so forth. That is spelled out in the order’s supplementary information section:

Because keeping the unions happy so they'll keep supporting Obama is FAR more important than people in South Carolina losing jobs.

And there's Obama & Co. throwing lots of OPM to campaign donors:
Obliviousness to the e-mail trail also is playing a part in the unraveling of the Solyndra scandal. The Associated Press reports: “Newly released emails show that, contrary to White House claims, a major donor to President Barack Obama pushed for a loan to a solar energy company that later went bankrupt.”

The family of Brian Terry doesn't think much of Holder's attempts to evade responsibility:
Brian Terry’s father, Kent, and his mother, Josie, shared their thoughts on the testimony with Attkisson.

Josie Terry said of Holder, “I thought he was very evasive. I thought that this was his second time around, and I still didn’t get anything out of it — at all. Seems like all the questions that he was asked, he was evading or throwing someone else underneath the bus.”

Kent Terry added, “We’ve heard five different stories, and every time we hear (a new) one, (it) is different. We never got a straight answer.”

Well, until someone puts Holder and/or Napolitano and/or Mueller in a corner with no outs, you won't.

A while back I was informed by someone that not only did no Democrats have any responsibility in the economic mess, not only was it all the Republicans fault(this included things like "Not getting what wages are 'just' is WAGE SLAVERY!" and such); much of it traced back to 'that bastard Reagan'. Seems the OWS clowns are sticking with that. And it being all the fault of the JOOOOOOS, of course.

To the Marine Corps: Happy Birthday, guys

Yeah, I can think of people who might get alarmed at that kind of message.

Some flat amazing underwater pictures Thanks to Bayou for the link

I'd say I found a loophole,
but still, going to be a busy few days, so no free ice cream here for a bit

In a way this is promising; in another it's the standard gun-bigot line

that "You can't be trusted to wield weapons yourself, you have to pay someone we approve of to do it for you."

Not to disagree that it IS a good thing the Brit government realizes they need to let ship companies do something in the self-defense line.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

My full opinion of what should happen to Joe Paterno in his retirement

would involve, at the least, living in penury for the rest of his life. Or having something bloody awful done to him.

He knew this asshole Sandusky had a habit of raping kids? And didn't do anything to stop it? He shouldn't be retiring, he should be getting fired, he and every other piece of walking shit at Penn State who knew about this and did nothing. And then sued by the victims for everything they have or ever will have.

"He's done good things for the community" my ass. And anybody making such an excuse for him should be ashamed.

An object lesson in "Make SURE

you have the cables connected correctly. Or else."

Laser sights: something I'd noticed

but not really thought about, from comments at Marooned:
I've noticed that there is a distinctly different stance taken when firing over a laser as compared to using the iron sights. I find my head to be well elevated so as to have an unobstructed view of the target(s) and the laser dot and then I "shoot the dot". Trying to acquire a traditional sight picture with the traditional sights obstructs my view of the laser's aim point (which defeats the purpose of the thing IMO).
True. When using iron sights, especially at speed, my head tilts forward and down(which is a PITA with bifocals); when using the laser for aiming my head is a bit straighter and I'm looking much more over the sights so I have a clear view of the red dot. In bright light(outside range) you can't see the dot very well in any case but you can see the irons quite well and I focus on them*. In dim light(indoor range, especially some lanes) if I want to use the irons I have to either turn the laser off or make a point of not looking for the red dot; somewhat difficult because those light conditions are why I put the CT grips on in the first place. In-between light, seems to be fairly quick and easy to choose which to use.

I'll note that with a lot of pocket pistols there's not much conflict: you put the laser on it because the sights suck, and in anything but bright light you're point-shooting without it.

Will is right; definitely something to point out to a new shooter looking at sight options**, and- as Tam and others have pointed out- reason to tell said newbie not to get totally dependent on the dancing red dot, just in case the nice little coherent light gadget should decide to go tits-up on you at the worst possible time.

*First time son fired my Kimber he got through two magazines before I mentioned something about the laser and he realized it was on; his eyes are much better than mine and his proper focus on the front sight made the dot invisible to him. Little bastard was shooting quite well, too.

**A while back he put a set of Ashley Express sights on his pistol, the big dot ones; he loves them. I like my fiber-optic sights, but all things considered I'm going to have to look at a set.

Spares are handy

In this case, a spring. Took the M1 Carbine to the range the other day, and today decided that it was probably time to clean out the bolt. And found that the extractor spring came out in two pieces.

I had a spare, so it's put back together; and now I need to pick up a new spare.

I will note that it the broken spring would not have been found without disassembly, as the extractor was working just fine. So no idea when it may have decided to attempt mitosis.

Well, isn't THIS confidence-inspiring?

The US Senate Armed Services Committee said its researchers had uncovered 1,800 cases in which the Pentagon had been sold electronics that may be counterfeit.

In total, the committee said it had found more than a million fake parts had made their way into warplanes such as the Boeing C-17 transport jet and the Lockheed Martin C-130J "Super Hercules".

It also found fake components in Boeing's CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter and the Theatre High-Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) missile defence system.

"A million parts is surely a huge number. But I want to repeat this: we have only looked at a portion of the defence supply chain. So those 1,800 cases are just the tip of the iceberg," said Senator Carl Levin.

Remember the name Dennis Burke? UPDATED

Former Arizona U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke came forward Tuesday to take responsibility for his role in leaking a memo used to cast aspersions on a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agent who had blown the whistle to Congress about a botched gun-trafficking operation.

Burke, who left the Justice Department in August as congressional scrutiny over Operation Fast and Furious intensified, acknowledged his actions on the same day Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, pressed the attorney general about who "smeared" agent John Dodson. Grassley said the leak may have violated the Privacy Act and run afoul from repeated warnings from lawmakers not to go after whistleblowers at ATF.

Chuck Rosenberg, a lawyer for Burke, told NPR that "Dennis regrets his role in disclosing the memo but he's a stand-up guy and is willing to take responsibility for what he did. It was absolutely not Dennis's intent to retaliate against Special Agent Dodson or anyone else for the information they provided Congress."
My opinion: Lying son of a bitch. His 'excuse':
Burke disclosed his role in a letter to Acting Inspector General Cynthia Schnedar on Tuesday afternoon. The letter, signed by his attorneys, said that Burke got the sense a reporter had already become aware of a memo about Dodson and that Burke wanted "to give context to information the reporter already had." The attorneys wrote that because topics in the memo involved closed investigations, the document "was not subject to any limitations on disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act."
"I was just trying to help keep the story straight." Sure. Right.

I don't know if he's agreed to be another guy with tire tread marks across his chest and take the blame, but whether he agreed to be or not, I don't think it'll work:
Update at 6:51 p.m. ET. 'Burke Did Not Act Alone':

Robert Driscoll, an attorney for Dodson, sent us this statement:

Special Agent Dodson demonstrated both tremendous courage and fidelity to the mission of ATF when he came forward to discuss the misguided "Fast and Furious" investigation. It is unfortunate that his superiors at ATF and DOJ did not listen to his attempts to address the matter internally, and instead chose to attack him once he, out of necessity, stepped forward. Today's public acknowledgement by former US Attorney Burke that he participated in such misguided efforts to smear Agent Dodson is welcome, but unfortunately Burke did not act alone in attempting to ruin Special Agent Dodson's career.

Update at 8:40 p.m. ET. 'Others ... May Be Involved':

Sen. Chuck Grassley, a Republican from Iowa, was one of the lawmakers asking questions of Attorney General Eric Holder when he appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee today. After news broke of the leaked documents, Grassley released this statement:

"Leaking sensitive documents to the press and retaliating against whistleblowers is not good faith cooperation with Congress. The Justice Department confirmed that the Inspector General continues to investigate the leak which means there are others who may be involved in drafting and distributing the talking points and document to the press.

"The Justice Department should not be allowed to continue scapegoating the one person who has resigned. We're in contact with Mr. Burke's attorneys and will continue to seek additional information about the document leak and retaliatory talking points."

UPDATE: I didn't know this part earlier:
The memo was leaked to press and had the names of criminal suspects deleted — but kept Dodson’s name on it. Attorney General Eric Holder came under fire during Tuesday morning’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing when he wouldn’t answer any questions from Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley about the leaked memo, who was held accountable for it and how they were held accountable.
Add this in, it makes me think my conclusion below is correct: Holder hadn't done shit to 'punish the ones who leaked the memo' and thus did NOT want to have to answer questions about this.

It should be noted that AG Holder(Perjurer-in-Chief to President Obama) was all upset that Grassley had the nerve to mention something about this:
During questioning of Attorney General Eric Holder before the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) referred to the leak as an effort to smear Dodson because of his disclosures and complaints about Fast and Furious. Grassley did not publicly identify Burke, but Holder was visibly disturbed by the senator's public mention of Holder's private assurances that someone had been disciplined for the leak.

"It almost pains me,” Holder said of Grassley’s disclosure of what the attorney general called a “private conversation. “I called you to try to indicate to you that I had taken that matter seriously....In a different time in Washington, I’m not sure what you just said would have been shared with everyone here."
Why a "I will see that the people who leaked this information are punished" would be considered a 'private matter', I'm not sure. Unless Holder said that, did nothing, and is upset that it's being publicly noted that he lied- again- to a member of the committee. I lean toward that explanation for Holder's 'disturbance'. Maybe because
Prior to his sudden exit in August, Burke was extremely well-regarded within the department and enjoyed close ties to President Barack Obama's cabinet. He served as a top aide to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, both in Washington and earlier when she was governor of Arizona. Burke was also frequently mentioned in Arizona as a potential Democratic candidate for statewide office.
Since Burke had all these connections, we not only have the fact of Burke leaking information about a whistleblower, but we have a man right in the middle of Gunwalker and connected to Napolitano and Obama and Holder; which makes the "I didn't know what was going on" from those high-rankers even harder to believe.

One more reason to think the "I was just trying to clear up some points" excuse is bullshit:
Technically, the Freedom of Information Act does not limit disclosure of any government information. However, Grassley has suggested that the disclosures about Dodson may have violated the Privacy Act, which provides civil penalties against the government for improper disclosures of private information about individuals.(Think a US Attorney might have been aware of this?)

Aides to Grassley have indicated that the leaked memo identifies Dodson as an undercover operative in a prior ATF operation. Names of low-level ATF agents or undercover operatives are not normally disclosed through the FOIA process.
Gee, ya think MAYBE?

Found both links at Sipsey Street. A little further down found this opinion on the hearing the other day; he thinks the Obama people were largely successful in painting the mess, to the average voter, as 'just a messed-up law-enforcement operation':
But of course, it is not the Democrat base that was the audience for this but rather the largely uninformed curious folks who would see what the cover-up artists wanted them to see when they watched the sound bites of topics One, Two and Three above in the media.

In this they were successful.

And yet.

And yet, as a retired Marine friend of mine reminded me last evening, "This isn't a sprint, Mike, it's a marathon." Grassley, he believes, knows exactly what he is doing. Another fellow, closer to the investigation, believes Issa has all the documents he needs to destroy the cover-up.

The question is, will he? Is the GOP, and Issa and Grassley specifically, in this deadly game to win, or just to be on the field?

The committee investigators believe -- indeed, I am told they are certain -- that they have plenty to seek an indictment of "Gunwalker Bill" Newell for perjury. Newell, last reported periodically haunting the corridors of ATF Phoenix like Banquo's ghost, cannot be pleased that the ENTIRE weight of the Obama administration APPEARS (important distinction) to be on his weary, gunwalking head. "Blame Phoenix" means "Blame Newell," first and foremost. He has got to be one scared rabbit right about now.

Yet we know that he met with Kevin O'Reilly and others in the White House in March of 2009. Two thousand and NINE, folks. Surely that is a bargaining chip he has in his pocket. And what of O'Reilly, so quickly stashed away from Senator Grassley when it became evident that Hillary's man at the National Security Council might be grilled about that meeting and other topics?

Have the international airlines all been grounded? Do they not still work both ways? Are Grassley and Issa aware that the aviation industry stands ready to fly one of their investigators to Baghdad, should they discover the cojones to but issue the order?

I say, charge Newell with perjury and convince the conspirators that the committee is serious. If they do so, it will be interesting to see how a simple show of authority by Issa, et. al, motivates the rest of the conspirators to sing like canaries.

Because right now most of them, like Holder, are sitting there with bored expressions on their faces thinking, "You putzes don't scare me."


"Mayor Bloomberg, were you not aware of- or did you order-

the forging of a dead man's name on your MAIG groups correspondence?"
Gee, wouldn't that count as an actual crime? Of course, MAIG would NEVER have any connection with criminals or lies, would it?

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

This does about cover it

Today's weather report has a number of safety precautions you should take note of:
Tornadoes are coming - seek shelter in the interior of your home.
Earthquakes are coming - avoid the interior of your home; go outside if possible.
There's lightning outside - avoid high ground.
There's flash flooding - avoid low ground.
Hail is present - avoid open areas.
The state has received 5" of rain in 3 hours; all burn ban precautions remain in effect.
Welcome to Oklahoma!

"So, Attorney General Holder, why did you lie

to us before? And what are you lying about now?"
I would pay to be sitting where I could see Holder's face if one of the people on the committee would list some of his lies and then ask these questions.

Let's see, we have "I lied about when I knew about it, but I'm not admitting when I actually did", we have "My staff ate my homework", and we have "Someone will be held accountable, but I won't say who so I hopefully won't have to actually do anything about it." Just the kind of transparency and accountability we've come to expect from these socialist crapweasels. Make's you wonder what they'll come up with next, doesn't it?

Oh, and we had Leahy, Feinstein and the execrable tumor Schumer all saying "You're being mean to the AG and BATFEIEIO, and this just proves we need more gun laws!" Of course.

Well, Mr. Engvall, here's YOUR sign...

Seeing as how you announced you wouldn't mind seeing AK47-type rifles banned
I don’t believe there’s any reason for a person like myself to own an AK-47…I’d be willing to meet you halfway and say I think you can ban guns if you can pull the trigger and 60 bullets come out—there’s no need, it’s not usedLink for hunting, it would ruin any of the meat
I have a couple of things to say:
First, screw you. You don't want a semi-auto of that style, fine. But when you say " can ban guns..." that you don't like? Screw you twice, you jackass.

Second, maybe you haven't heard, but the gun bigots you just gave ammunition to consider the scoped rifles you probably use for deer and such to be 'intermediate sniper rifles', and say they should be banned. Good going, dumbass; you just helped people who want to ban the guns you think you SHOULD be allowed to own.

Third, either you don't know- or don't care- that there's a bit of difference between a semi-auto firearm and a automatic. We're back to your sign, again.

Fourth, I have to wonder: do you consider AR15 variants something that can also be banned because you don't care for them?

You know, I've wanted to attend one of your shows for a while now; I'm going to have to reconsider that.

The kind of idiotic nanny-state gun bigot

stupidity the Brits are living under. And that the CSGV, and Obama, and Bloomberg would like to impose on us.

On the current loud Cain accuser,

the story just sets off my bullshit alarm. Bits and pieces not adding up. Then, today, hear that she apparently let her 13-yoa kid know about it AND ASKED HIS ADVICE WHAT TO DO?!?

A: I'm tending to think this is bullcrap.
B: True or not, this woman is freakin' nuts

The other day noted a former SEAL calling bullshit

on the official 'We Whacked Osama' story; from Blackfive, we have a bit more.

The Daily Mail story has more. One thing I'd wondered about in the original story was the '45 minutes' timeline. Considering they had to plan on getting in, getting him and getting out before the Pakistani forces could get involved, that time was insane; from what this guy got from team members it was also bullshit.

And- again- there's despair on how Obama's announcements screwed the intelligence value of all the stuff they found. So the question becomes, did he just not understand this, or not care? Or, if you want to get into further-out territory, did he WANT to blow that?

Holder is lying his ass offtestifying

before the committee today; be interesting not only to see what crap he comes up with, both as excuse and to cover his and Obama's butts, but to see just what kind of "We need more gun bans and restrictions" garbage various Democrats use this to push.

From the gentleman at Sipsey:
My favorite headline: Holder on 'Fast and Furious': Never again.

"Never again"!?!? Eric Holder taking the pledge on gunwalking is like Reinhard Heydrich swearing off Holocausts or Jeffrey Dahmer announcing that he is an enthusiastic convert to vegetarianism. Like every other criminal, Holder's not sorry he committed the crime (in his case to advance the gun control agenda), but he's damn sorry he got caught.

This Patrick Leahy goat rope ought to be an exercise in alternate realities, with the GOP trying to get the lying sumbitch to answer the questions under oath, and the Democrat gun-grabbers saying it is all the fault of "weak gun laws" and George W. Bush. There are rumors that Grassley has a document or two up his sleeve, but that's all they are at this point -- rumors.
and the links he has on this:
Politico: Eric Holder: Effects of Fast and Furious will linger

FOX: Holder to Testify Again on 'Fast and Furious'

Matthew Boyle: Holder to face gun-walking music at Senate hearing

Another theme to watch for during the hearing is Democrats and Holder pushing a theory that lax gun control laws drove ATF agents to conduct Operation Fast and Furious. California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein floated the idea during a hearing last week, even though it was the law enforcement agents responsible for upholding gun laws that facilitated the sale of weapons to drug cartels. Holder’s prepared testimony also mentions his belief that weak gun-control laws were a factor.

Followon test of Mr. Completely's Lube

Short trip to H&H this morning, only about 60 rounds each through the Sport King and the 1911 conversion. The conversion had not a single hiccup. Had three 'not quite all the way' cycles on the HS, but I'm calling that on the ammo; that box has had some noticeable variations from round to round. Even with that, it was better cycling than it would originally do with the Federal ammo in question.

I'll add that the two pieces in question were not cleaned after the previous range trip, and still functioned as well as did.

Also, after the first range trip I took an old knife blade, brightened it up with some fine sandpaper, wiped a light coat of the Lube on and left it in the bed of the truck; so far, no sign of rust. He does NOT say this stuff is a protectant, just a lube; still nice to know that it seems to do a decent job of protecting from corrosion.
Here's where he has the stuff, if you want to get hold of some. And if some snoopy nanny happens to read this: screw you. Nobody paid me to review this stuff, so go do something useful for a change, like clean up dog crap in the park.

So last night, in total had severe storms,

tornadoes and another quake; I may have this made into a poster to put up

No, don't think the materials are really robust enough,

but this is still pretty impressive work. I would not have thought of using a AA battery as projectile.

Monday, November 07, 2011

Screw these OWS nutcases

Lanier said the Occupy DC movement had been relatively peaceful since it started on Oct. 6, but has grown increasingly violent. She said the protesters were using their own young children at the front of the blockade, including putting them in traffic.

To emphasize her point, Lanier released links to YouTube videos of Friday night's demonstration.

One woman, who was seen in the videos in the blockades with her 4-year-old twins, told The Examiner on Monday that children were an important part of the movement.
Ah, but don't worry, she's not responsible for any problem...
"The only one who's putting my kids in danger are the police and the motorists," said the woman who identified herself as a 26-year-old living in McPherson Square.
Nice way to insulate yourself from blame, huh? If anything happens to the kids you're pushing into traffic to block things, "It's the drivers/police fault."

Effing stupid bitch.

Crap on this: storms to the west, and we just had

another bloody earthquake. 2049 hrs by my clock

Update: USGS says 3.4, located same area as the bigger one and aftershocks the last couple of days
Update: now say 4.7, at 2058

If zombies haven't jumped the shark,

some of this crap certainly has.

So we've now got a .380 and a bloody .454/.410 revolver both marked for zombies... and yeah, Tam, they'll probably sell a buttload of them.

Saw this the other day; I had wondered about the 'long gunfight' story

Maybe it’s the fog of war.

Chuck Pfarrer, a former SEAL Team Six assault-element commander, raises serious questions about the official story of Osama bin Laden’s takedown in his new book, “Seal Target Geronimo.”

“The further I got away from the Beltway, the more accurate information I got,” he said.

Pfarrer says it only took the SEALs 90 to 120 seconds -- from landing to the firing the final shot -- to take out bin Laden, far shorter than other accounts have claimed.

He says the forces entered the compound on the third floor via the roof, not from the ground as the official version has said.
President Obama’s role, too, was largely inflated.

He was out playing golf only 20 minutes before the raid began.

“If this had completely gone south, he was in a position to disavow,” Pfarrer claimed.

About some of the celebrity supporters of the OWS actions:
But the rank hypocrisy of these celebrities is a bit much to bear. Take Cornel West, for instance. I like West. He is willing to debate people he disagrees with, which is a sign of intellectual engagement, and he does so with flair. But his histrionics over “corporate greed” seem a little over the top considering he commands between $30,000 to $50,000 for a speech, according to the International Speakers Bureau. That’s an astounding figure. I hardly begrudge him for demanding such an exorbitant fee, of course. If people are willing to pay it, God bless him. But to go around lambasting others for greed when you are demanding $1,000 a minute to speak takes some gall. Susan Sarandon and Rosanne Barr have lent their support by visiting Occupy Wall Street’s protests and speaking out for its cause, while George Clooney and others have more passively backed the protests in interviews. (RELATED: Moore won’t admit he’s part of the ’1 percent’) While it is difficult to glean exactly what Occupy Wall Street’s main gripes are — after all, many of their supporters tend to be preliterate — one clear point of contention is the high rate of compensation CEOs earn, compared to the average worker. But I have never heard Clooney or Sarandon complain about the high rate of compensation top-market actors receive compared to garden-variety struggling thespians.

A number of aftershocks, one I believe they noted as a 5.2. And they've decided the initial quake was a 5.6. When it kept on for more than ten seconds, I had a moment of thinking "Did New Madrid decide to turn loose? Be an interesting next while if it did." Ace had a different thought: And when does the volcano break through? Which may seem odd, but... (USGS: "Because we didn't KNOW about the hot spot, THAT'S why we didn't warn people!")

What happens when the police consider themselves above the law, and anyone who actually enforces it is the enemy.
Together with a string of other recent cases, the Bronx case suggests that a culture of corruption and entitlement has spread through the ranks of the thin blue line. Worse, it is clear that police union officials are the mainstay of the illegal ticket fixing enterprise, so much so that prosecutors considered indicting the union as a corrupt organization under racketeering laws. The police demonstration in the Bronx was apparently orchestrated by the union, which sent text messages to officers urging that they show up to support colleagues involved in ticket fixing. “It’s a courtesy, not a crime,” was the slogan.

Ok, so the DC police department needs to fire some people. Assuming they give a damn about, y'know, impartially enforcing the law and such.

Ruemmler, you got a SUBPOENA, not a request for arguments; if the Stupid Party brass had the balls, they ought to cite you for contempt or something and go from there.

Ok... if the information is truly as Yon says, people need to lose rank. Or just be flatly thrown out of the military.

I appears some people at the Federal Regulatory Commission need to be added to the list of "Those direly in need of acquaintance with tar and feathers".

So OWS is taking lessons from the palisimians: "Use your children as tools; after all the Movement is far more important than they are."

Sooner or later, some of these clowns are going to block traffic and, either through putting someones life at risk or just pushing someone over their limit, pepper spray is going to seem like the mild outcome.

Actual illustration of Cain's sexual harassment!

Two U.S. lawmakers will introduce measures to impose a transaction tax on financial firms that resembles a proposal released by the European Union.

Senator Tom Harkin, an Iowa Democrat, and Representative Peter DeFazio, an Oregon Democrat, will introduce the bills tomorrow in their respective chambers.
Translation: "We want to steal more of your money, but if we say it's a tax on the banks, we think you'll go along with it."

And that's it for now.

Yeah, I imagine this book will tick off the leftists

During the question period, Glavin was asked why he had chosen to begin his address with a moment of silence for Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan rather than for the Afghan people themselves.

“It was one of these dirty insinuations,” says Glavin about the incident, “framed in the most passive-aggressive way in the form of a virtuous question.”

The award-winning writer’s recent book, Come From the Shadows: The long and lonely struggle for peace in Afghanistan, has been slammed by critics on campus and nationwide for its overt pessimism toward what Glavin says is the Canadian left’s embarrassingly short-sighted and extremely vocal “troops out” mentality — which is, in his view, a dangerous political phenomenon.
Come From the Shadows is an unabashedly personal account of Glavin’s journeys outside the wire of a country that he says has been falsely portrayed by the mainstream media as a type of “Absurdistan” — an imaginary nation that has been collectively built up by Western audiences as an apocalypse of bombs, bodies and constant fear.

Its major criticism, one that Glavin admits has made the book so controversial, lies in the implications of this fraudulent paradigm on Canadian left-wing activism — which he says has been destroyed by both cultural relativism and widespread anti-Americanism.

Yet, points out Glavin, it is a typical, Canadian form of anti-Americanism coinciding with anti-war sentimentality that’s used almost exclusively with American inflection.

A general pic dump

A couple of possibly NSFW at the bottom

When you discover that he is not, after all, a 'nice kitty'

"I have power over gravity, I will spike you, unbeliever!"

A little bit of knowledge...

Seems like it here at times, too

One of these is not like the others

Because I like her, that's why

I tried this idea from Uncle, it works


Well, yeah

And, just because

Under the heading of "At this point, putting him down

like a rabid dog is likely the only realistic option."

One of the saddest things I've ever seen came out of Chicago ten or fifteen years ago, video of the immediate aftermath of an arraignment. The criminal career had started at age 9 with stealing from stores. It had steadily escalated to more thefts, burglaries, robberies, and at every arrest some judge had slapped him on the hand and advised him he'd better straighten up or else, etc. And now the little waste had hit the bigtime: while robbing a store he'd committed murder. The judge had just informed him that he was going to file to try the suspect as an adult, so a conviction would mean life in prison.

The suspect was thirteen.

It was taking two deputies to drag him out of the courtroom, because- faced for the first time in his life with real punishment for a crime, he was hysterical; crying, screaming, terrified.

Like the dirtbag that started this post, you have to wonder if, had he been slapped down hard the first time, harder if there was a second, would he be there?

I do have to wonder,
Was there a father anywhere around?
Was there a PARENT who gave a damn anywhere around?
Probably not.

In todays homekeeper tips,

a while back my Foodsaver crapped out; the vacuum pump wouldn't vacuum, which meant it wouldn't seal. This one only lasted about a year and a half, and the new ones are even more spendy. Plus the cost of their bags/rolls of material... So decided to try the Ziploc vacuum bags; the bags come in quart and gallon sizes, and use a hand pump to suck out the air. The bags are washable and reusable.

So far, quite good. You could wash out and reuse a Foodsaver bag a time or two, but since you had to cut it open each time the bag got smaller each time; these you don't have to cut. The one thing I did find is that if you vacuum the bag, let the pressure in the pump drop and then lift the pump, there's a tendency for some valves to leak. If you pull the vacuum, give one last pump and then lift the pump so it 'pops' off the valve, the seal seals much better.

The bad thing: if you want to vacuum-seal a gun for storage, you're stuck with handguns, as they don't have 'make your own bag' rolls of the stuff.

I am stealing Tam's post

because I want this read as much as possible:
"It's legal to carry a concealed weapon in a restaurant! Somebody help me! But it is illegal to carry a gun in the state legislature!" -Mayor Coleman, of Columbus, OH
Well, Mr. Mayor, that's because we can trust waitresses to rarely do things that make people want to shoot them.

So some OWS dimwits got in front of a car-

one of them jumped ON it- trying to block the street and got knocked down. And, of course, the jerks have fits because someone dared to not cower before them.

Those three are lucky, minor injuries only. If they'd been crippled or killed it'd still be their own damn fault.

I had the rules of "If someone not a cop tries to make you stop in such a situation" explained to me by Dad a long time ago:
Don't stop. If they get in the way, keep driving. If they don't move, drive over them. Legalities can be sorted out later, if you're alive.
Those are the rules I explained to daughter(and to a friend of daughter who was somewhat outraged by the rules) and son when they were starting out on their own. This came up during the Rodney King riots in LA, when daughter's friend said something, while watching video, of "You can't do anything in that situation, you're helpless!" My response: "You're sitting at the controls of at least a ton of steel, capable of moving at high speeds; you drive." followed by the rules. She was upset by them("You'll hurt people!"), to which I pointed out what happens to people who try to be reasonable and not hurt anyone.

I've pointed before to the three posts at Seraphic Secret on what he & family went through during that riot: to borrow one part,
Robert’s Rules for Driving Through a Riot 1. Do not stop for anyone or anything. 2. Not even to help someone. My first responsibility is to my family. 3. If rioters try to blockade the car, drive straight through. 4. If the car stalls, don’t leave the car. 5. Unless the car is on fire.
Got a flat? Keep driving, you can get a remarkable distance on flat tires, and replacing tires and wheels is cheap compared to the alternative.
In a riot situation, you have to assume that the only reason someone wants to make you stop is so they can hurt you. So don't stop.