Friday, May 02, 2008

A bit more on cleaning corrosive-primed ammo

Very Helpful Commenter, who once sent some very nice information on how he moved the front sight and cut down the barrel on a SKS, had mentioned that he had had such good results in his black-powder guns with 1000 Wonder Lube, he'd started using it after this ammo. The other day he sent this:
I took my M-N 91/30 to the range the day after I emailed you and shot forty rounds of "Com-Bloc" corrosively primed ammo through it. I also shot forty rounds of 1943 SA MkVII through my unissued #4 Long Branch Enfield. I wiped the bores with wet patches when I got home, then wiped the bores with a flannel patch coated with 1000 Wonder Lube. This morning I examined the bores on both of 'em to find no rust, just shiny rifling. Same with my .50 TC Hawken that I put 125 shots through last Sat. Every shot was with a 1000 WL patched round ball and 50 grains of 3f Goex, my target load of choice. Again, no rust, just shiny rifling. BTW, no wiping between shots, the last one loaded as easily as the first.

I'm going to have to get some of this stuff to try.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

'On Combat'

by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman and Loren W. Christensen

If you are in a war, you are a warrior. Is there a war on drugs? Is there a war on crime? Is there a war against terrorism? Are you confronting and containing aggression as a peace officer at home, a peacekeeper in some distant land, or a warrior combating terrorism around the world? Or perhaps you have chosen to be a martial arts practitioner or an armed citizen, seeking to defend yourself or your love ones in their hour of need? Are there people who wake up every morning determined to send you back to your family in a box?

Then you are in a war and you are a warrior.

I picked this up at the library a few days ago, and it’s, to put it mildly, a fascinating book. Too much so for me to go over chapter heads and such and give the idea. I will note the four sections:
Section I: The Physiology of Combat: The Anatomy of the Human Body in Battle
Section II: Perceptual Distortions in Combat: An Altered State of Consciousness
Section III: The Call to Combat: Where Do We Get Such Men?
Section IV: The Price of Combat: After the Smoke Clears

and I’ll give a quote from Section II, on the distortions of sound that occur in- among other things- gunfights:
In Loren Christensen’s book, Crazy Crooks he tells of one documented case in which

One dumb crook became confused when he did not hear his pistol fire. He turned the gun around and peered down the barrel to see if there was an obstruction; it was clear. Dumbfounded as to why it did not go bang, he squinted down the barrel even harder and pulled the trigger again.

Now, THAT’S sound distortion.

They’ve got a previous book you may have heard of, ‘On Killing’, that’s also excellent. Definitely recommended reading for anyone, military, police or just plain citizen, who wants to understand- and prepare for- the stresses of combat. Kevin and a number of others have recommended it, and they're right.

The further story on the bears

The two grizzly at the zoo have in their enclosure a pool and a long canal. The slightly smaller one found a sport bottle somene either dropped or threw in and was having a ball with it: tossing it, slapping it around and so forth. He chased it all the way to the end of the canal where it fell in. And he jumped in after.

While he was playing with it, the other took notice and came trotting over with a "What you got?" look on his face. Which led to him sliding in and trying to take it. Upon which the smaller one stuck it into the drain pipe in the wall.
It took him two tries, but he held it in his teeth to get it there, then shoved it in with a paw. The bigger one shoved him out of the way and took a look.
It really seemed to tick him off, as he jumped on the other. They argued a minute, then he looked again and spent the next five minutes digging in to try and pull it out, taking looks, and trying again. Finally gave up.

I'd never have thought one of them would do something like that, but he did.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I've mentioned I don't like working on ladders,

I also don't like working in trees with a saw. Especially when the wind is blowing like God turned on the sandblaster. But the limbs in question needed to come down, and I had time, so...

Happily I did not have to plead with the dog to call 911, especially since she was so comfortably stretched out in the grass, front paws crossed, watching the boss sway and saw and drop things. And then I noticed some of the guttering on the house had the nails pulling out, so I dug up the cordless- which needed charging, of course- and the gutter screws I picked up a while back and moved the ladder over to take care of that, and scoop out all the crap that had collected in it since it had sagged a bit and wouldn't drain as it should.

I'd rather clean guns, really dirty ones, than do that stuff.

Not having small kids around I'm not familiar with

the up & coming slutettes, so it was in a post at SondraK that I found this.

First, the photographer ought to have a boot up her ass for suggesting and pushing it.
Second, her parents left her with this idiot? After being around show and fashion business for years?
Third, they let her watch Sluts and the City?


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A few interesting things

When the dirtbags who charged you start asking for a plea bargain, you know- and they know- they've screwed the pooch.

Leslie Fish, who I mentioned a while back, is putting together a CD titled 'Lock and Load', with Oleg Volk doing the cover. I want a copy.

Uncle asks again "Why are anti-gun activists so violent?"
As I was reading the Bible in my office, I reflected on all the childish name-calling by the professor. It was then I realized that a partial gun ban is necessary. Specifically, I concluded that liberals cannot be allowed to own guns, much less carry them on our college campuses. If they cannot control their emotions enough to engage in rational debate, they cannot be expected to handle a firearm responsibly. Handguns were not made for people with shaking hands and raised voices. They were made for those with self-control.
He also notes that Barack H. Obamessiah is now coming out of his closet on gun control. And- big surprise- lying while he does it.

And the gentleman at Random Nuclear Strikes is posting disgusting photos from Boomershoot. I have no doubt that some of the other dirty bastardslucky people who were able to make it will post more.

'Night, all.

Another "We didn't actually investigate

before we kicked in the door" raid. But at least nobody's dead.
Brooklyn Park police were looking for a meth lab, but they found a fish tank and the chemicals needed to maintain it.

And a few hours later, when the city sent a contractor to fix the door the police had smashed open Monday afternoon, it was obvious the city was trying to fix a mistake.
"Ohmigod," Adams said as she recalled police breaking down her door and flashing the search warrant. "I just kept saying to them, 'you've got the wrong house.' "

Police soon realized that themselves.

Then we read the obligatory "From a cursory view, it doesn't look like our officers did anything wrong," said Capt. Greg Roehl.
Oh, of COURSE not.
Roehl said the drug task force was acting on a tip from a subcontractor for CenterPoint Energy, who had been in the home Friday to install a hot water heater.

"He got hit with a chemical smell that he said made him light headed, feel kind of nauseous," Roehl said.

The smell was vinegar, and maybe pickling lime, which were clearly marked in a bathroom Mr. Adams uses to mix chemicals for his salt water fish tank.

"I said, 'I call it his laboratory for his fish tanks,' " Mrs. Adams said, recalling her conversation with the CenterPoint technician. "I'm looking at the fish tank talking to this guy."

Isn't it just wonderful? Especially followed by this:
Police say there was no extended investigation, just an interview with the subcontractor.

"Everything this person told us turned out to be true, with the exception of what the purpose of the lab was," Roehl said.
(my bold)

Just friggin' amazing. It says the victims are looking for a lawyer, and I hope they sue the ass off these people.

And I wonder what they'd consider an 'extended investigation': maybe actually looking at the house and, I don't know, investigating before they got a warrant and kicked in the door? And if one of the officers had misjudged or just slipped and killed or crippled one of the victims, we'd still be hearing the "It was a terrible tragedy, but the officers were following procedures" excuse that almost always gets trotted out.

Plastic bullets: an experiment

No, not the bullets you load into a pistol case and fire with primer alone, a plastic bullet that you load with a light powder charge and shoot. I read about these in a post at The High Road, looked up the site and decided to get a bag to try out.
They're some kind of hard plastic with a copper gas check on the base, .30 caliber, weigh 19 grains and are .660" long. The company had no load information, and the guy at THR said he'd tried them in a .308 with 'a few grains of Bullseye'. I decided to try them with 2400: I've had good results with it and it goes through a powder measure a lot more smoothly than Bullseye tends to.
This is completely new territory, I just picked a powder I thought suitable and a weight to start with. I make no guarantees for my own loads on this, or anyone trying them.
I mean it, dammit.
I decided on 5.0 grains and loaded ten rounds of .30-30. The plastic body extends slightly out past the gas check, so you'll have to bell the case mouth a touch so as not to shave any off, same as with cast bullets. I seated these so the gas check was just a touch below the mouth, then did just enough crimp to close the bell, not enough to actually crimp onto the bullet. Was able to try them today, on the 30-yard range at H&H, target below:
Not a hugely impressive group, but I will note that this was iron sights on a range where the target line is a bit dimly-lit, and only a forend rest. I think with better light I could have held them to a tighter group.

Noise was low, which you'd expect with that load in a rifle, and recoil was pretty much non-existent, no more than a .22. For introducing a kid to a .30-caliber rifle these would work very nicely, give them a chance to handle a 'big' rifle without worrying about recoil. And a bag of 100 runs $5, so cheap bullets for light practice loads. Not bad.

Added notes:
The gas check itself runs right at .308" on the several I checked with a caliper: the body of the bullet right above the check considerably larger, ranging from .311 to .314.

Cleaning was standard, a couple of patches with bore cleaner wiped through, then a couple of dry.

Monday, April 28, 2008

One last thing before I say goodnight

Go read this: The View From Gate 14.
And, as always: Why do we do this when you know I am not a terrorist, and you know I know you know I am not a terrorist? Why this costly and harassing kabuki when we both know the facts, and would agree that all this harassment is the government's way of showing "fairness," of showing that it will equally humiliate anyone in order to show its high-mindedness and sense of justice? Our politicians congratulate themselves on this as we stand in line.
Here's some comfort for him, for all Democrats. In Lubbock, Texas – Lubbock Comma Texas, the heart of Texas conservatism – they dislike President Bush. He has lost them. I was there and saw it. Confusion has been followed by frustration has turned into resentment, and this is huge. Everyone knows the president's poll numbers are at historic lows, but if he is over in Lubbock, there is no place in this country that likes him. I made a speech and moved around and I was tough on him and no one – not one – defended or disagreed. I did the same in North Carolina recently, and again no defenders. I did the same in Fresno, Calif., and no defenders, not one.

I have to wonder, does the Republican Party, the bigshots on the national level, have any real idea just how close people really are to getting a big pot and starting the tar heating?

I've been listening today to the words of Obama's preacher,

and that he's been sitting in the congregation for twenty years nodding his head to this guy, and had him as his 'spiritual advisor', makes it even more plain: we do NOT want this clown in the Oval Office. Preferably not even as a visitor.

Zoo: The Pictures

Some of them, anyway

Took more than I'd thought, but missed a few great shots, mostly because some critter wouldn't hold still. Among what I did get:

The standard-issue meercat pose
made famous on that Animal Planet show. Which I don't watch. Yeah, they're cute, but you can get overloaded on that.

"It is spring, human, look upon my handsomeness you featherless twit."
This sucker was walking around and displaying for at least ten minutes. And when we saw him from another angle a while later, he was still at it. Either the hens weren't buying, or he was bragging.

In the Oklahoma Trail section, there're a bunch of native birds, and a lot of them were nesting
in this case a Killdeer. No, I don't know how they got that name.

Further along they had a couple of young (I'd say) grizzly bears. This one had found a sport bottle someone dropped or threw in, and was having fun with it.
He swatted and chased it clear down to the end and into the water
More on the bears later.

And we have the Bald Eagle
She was brought in a few years ago with about have of one wing missing. They treated her and made a place for her. It was pretty small, but it's not now: she's got a BIG area, which she patrols like a small velociraptor. Daughter saw her fed one day: there's a stump they put rats on, and she works her way around, peeks over the edge, then reaches up and snaps it up, then carries it off to feed. For an eagle unable to fly, it's a pretty good life.

Also in the 'local fauna' trail, a prarie rattler.
Along with Eastern & Western Diamondbacks, copperheads and a whole bunch of others. These didn't bother my friend much, but the herpetarium was another matter: she was a bit on the nervous side. Until we reached the damn big anaconda and equally big reticulated python. Which, in enclosures or not, were considered cause to get the hell out of the building.

Like I mentioned the other day, they've done a hell of a lot of work the last ten-fifteen years, everything from much better enclosures for the critters to some breeding programs that have gone very well. I think I'm going to enjoy having that entry pass.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Friend was in town, and hit the zoo Saturday

They've been improving the place a lot over the last few years. Entire areas rebuilt, new critters, new places for old critters.

Among the two new critters are a pair of grizzly, a pair of black bears and a 'Oklahoma Trail' that includes Mexican Red Wolves, coyotes, bats and a mountain lion. Some pictures taken, I'll try to post some of them later.

My daughter talked me into getting a pass, which means I can go back any time for the rest of the year. I'll be making use of it.

Today's dose of liberal condescension

is found here. Take a look at it. A couple of excerpts:
After succeeding at that, they then settled the American Frontier, suffering Indian raids and fighting for their lives every step of the way. And the Southern frontiersmen never got over their hatred of the East Coast elites and a belief in the morality and nobility of defying them. Their champion was the Indian-fighter Andrew Jackson. The outcome was that a substantial portion of the new nation developed, over many generations, a rather savage, unsophisticated set of mores. Traditionally, it has been balanced by a more diplomatic, communitarian Yankee sensibility from the Northeast and upper Midwest. But that latter sensibility has been losing ground in population numbers--and cultural weight.

Barack Obama seems to be so leery of being identified as an urban Northern liberal that he's running away from the most obvious explanation of his association with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and former Weatherman Bill Ayers: after Obama graduated from college he became an inner-city organizer in Chicago, and they were natural allies for someone in a situation like that.

We routinely demonize organizations like the United Nations that we desperately need and which are critical to missions like nation-building in Afghanistan. On foreign policy, the realism and internationalism of the Eastern elitist tradition once kept the Southern-frontier warrior culture and Wilsonian messianism in check. Now the latter two, in toxic combination, have taken over our national dialogue, and the Easterners are running for the hills.

In Bush there seems little trace left of the Eastern WASP sensibility into which he was born and educated, and which explains so much of his father's far more moderate presidency.

You get the picture.

A not-bad article in the BBC news on firearms ownership

and the US. Couple of points they don't seem to get, but overall not bad.
At the moment, there is an effort being made to overturn a ban on some types of weapon in Washington DC.

Among those dead against this plan - those who claim it would turn the nation's capital into the Wild West - is a lanky black man (he looks like a basketball player) called Anwan Glover.

Anwan peeled off articles of clothing for our cameras and revealed that he had been shot nine times.

One bullet is still lodged in an elbow.

His younger brother was shot and killed a few months ago.

Anwan was speaking to us in a back alley in north-east Washington. If you heard a gun shot in this neighbourhood you would not feel surprised.

is followed by
Why is it then that so many Americans - and foreigners who come here - feel that the place is so, well, safe?
I could wish they'd noted that it's in DC, with the handgun ban and extreme restrictions on rifles & shotguns, that that Anwan got shot to pieces, and his brother killed; it's in the 'Wild West' areas that this crap very rarely happens. For the reason that- along with a better social situation in general- the good people are armed and won't put up with the crap that happens in DC.

They end with this:
It is an odd fact that a nation we associate - quite properly - with violence is also so serene, so unscarred by petty crime, so innocent of brawling.

Virginia Tech had the headlines in the last few days and reminded us of the violence for which the US is well known.

But most American lives were as peaceful on this anniversary as they are every day.

Don't you just love that they talk about A story of an inability to get to grips with violence. in the US in the same article in which they note
I have met incredulous British tourists who have been shocked to the core by the peacefulness of the place, the lack of the violent undercurrent so ubiquitous in British cities, even British market towns.

Sounds like, with all our problems, we're not the ones showing an 'inability to get to grips with violence': we're just doing it in ways they don't approve of.