Monday, November 11, 2013

Oh, bleep... if only we could import the damn things...

The video below shows members of the Free Syrian Army who are fighting against the forces of Syrian “President” Bashar al-Assad that have stumbled upon a contrainer full of rifles. The rebel member who posted the video mistakenly claimed that they had found 5,000 AK-47s. Nope, turns out they stumbed upon 5,000 German WWII STG-44 rifles.

1 comment:

Keith said...

It seems like the German stock of them was all sent to the middle east and Pakistan in the cold war.

There have been a few finds of containers full of them.

More is the pity that the crony deal between the big American manufacturers and the BATFEckers means they'd have to be sawn to pieces to get into the united state (can't have interesting old guns perhaps taking market share from political donors like messrs Ruger, Remington Colt etc - can we!)

did you see Ian's recent piece on Forgotten Weapons about the AKs which have had the chamber modified to allow them to fire both 7.92X33mm Kurz and 7.62X39mm ?