Wednesday, October 23, 2013

“President Obama’s people can be quite nasty.

They don’t like you to say anything bad about their boss, and they’re not afraid to use whatever means they have at hand to stop you from doing that, including threatening your job.”
Truly, is anybody surprised by this?

“I’m not against a college education. I’m against debt,” he said. “That was the only four letter word in my family…”

What he’s against, Rowe added, is that we started promoting college “at the expense” of the vocational training that, in many cases, is what’s actually needed for the career.

“It’s not about, this is good or this is bad,” Rowe said. “It’s about, when did it make sense to say one size fits everybody? It never ever ever made sense to do that, and yet we’re still selling education the same way we sold it when you and I were in high school.”

And there in a nutshell is the argument currently raging in America. One side, an armed populace of exactly the kind the Founders envisaged; on the other, a fascist police state in which you’re disarmed for your own good, since the presumption is that you would use a firearm for ill, not good. It’s easy to see why the Left favors the latter, since the end result of so many of their policy prescriptions is enforcement by coercion, and they are incapable of conceiving of a “good” use for a gun in a civilian’s hands. Which is why they’ve been adamantly screaming about the “militia” clause in the Second Amendment from time immemorial.


Anonymous said...

Re the Mike Rowe approach, with which I agree totally... Heard a speaker the other day recommend the book "Shop Class as Soulcraft" to the local economic development forum. It looks like Texas is moving to get Vocational Ed back in the high schools.
- Jim in Texas

Keith said...


Via Claire Wolfe: the same company was behind the Canadian gun registry as was behind the obamacare fiasco

please tell me I haven't overlooked you posting it already!

Firehand said...

One of the good things about OK: a really good vo-tech system.

Keith, I haven't yet.

Keith said...

completely OT

Big thunder cells don't normally creep into my mind. Now I'm not spending time in africa, I don't get to see them or think about them.

I stumbled into this on youtube:
some big frightening bastard of a thing