Wednesday, September 26, 2012

'Freedom of Speech is overrated' says someone who depends

on it; gee, I wonder just what all he'd censor in the name of 'being sensitive to others'?

By the way, I have no idea whether the foreign policy clowns were urging civil rights reform in order to counter Soviet propagandists’; if they were, it shows a rather nasty side of the bastards(I also object to the implication that state's rights means 'you can keep beating up blacks').

I'd prefer you read it yourself, for the full flavor of crap, but I'll quote this from the end:
And so combining the liberal view that government should not interfere with political discourse, and the conservative view that government should not interfere with commerce, we end up with the bizarre principle that U.S. foreign policy interests cannot justify any restrictions on speech whatsoever. Instead, only the profit-maximizing interests of a private American corporation can. Try explaining that to the protesters in Cairo or Islamabad.
Think about that(aside from the usual 'liberals care about people/conservatives care only about business' crap).  Somehow I doubt that this clown would have the same 'foreign policy interests justify censorship of what might upset someone' when Bush was President.  And if he did?  In either case, he's still a slimy little bastard who'd chop up the Constitution in the name of 'being sensitive to others'.  Eric Posner, you're disgusting.

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