Saturday, September 01, 2012

And I'm sure the base commander caught hell for not assuring applause

and cheers. Let's see,
You condemned Iraq as a sideshow, and then tried to claim credit for winning.
You tried to force the troops to buy private insurance to cover battlefield injuries.
You're negotiating WITH THE FRIGGIN' ENEMY in A'stan to hand the place back to them.
You don't want to actually call some terrorists what they are because it might upset someone.
You want to chop the forces to pieces so you can spend the money on buying votes.
And you, Mr. President, expect these troops to cheer and applaud you? Really?*

On that 'negotiating with the enemy' this from the linked article:
...hopes that the autumn end of this year’s Afghan fighting season will bring the Taliban back to the negotiating table after the suspension of talks last March;...
Translation: they want to let the bastards 'come back to the table' during the winter, which is nothing more than giving them time to rearm and recruit and plan; personally I think that counts as giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Without going into details, talked to someone a while back about the current budget mess(How 'bout that, Mr. President of the Senate who won't pass any budget, you bastard?) and from what was said, if sequestration happens, they(military) were told that they could say goodbye to any new equipment for about two years(probably minimum), and the forces would be given even bigger personnel cuts. The troops are discouraged and pissed off, the Army's own poll says they're having trouble retaining good leaders and the PC idiocy is hurting the force... and they know damn good and well that when something blows up somewhere, the same people who want to chop numbers/weapons/equipment will- without a second thought or giving a damn about what those things mean- send them off to take care of it. And blame them for everything that goes wrong.

*Yes, I know, considering his ego he probably thinks they'd have to. Or be required to so as to not upset him.

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