Saturday, January 14, 2012

Looked over at Insty and found this on the Marine

pissing incident; pretty good. Hell, even that slimy little bastard Maher is in agreement.
But I'll comment on one thing:
What the Marines did was wrong–and possibly a symptom of problems in unit leadership–but let’s keep some perspective as punishment is weighed.
As to 'leadership', that would include a President negotiating with a Taliban bigshot for our virtual surrender, and some ROE that seem at times tailormade to get our guys killed; I guarantee that crap is not helping matters. Add into that hearing- while you're being shot at- that the President and a bunch of other clowns want to cut your numbers, and there are still 'can we cut their health care or pay?' questions being quietly passed around(heard that from the son), and, well...

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