Saturday, May 14, 2011

It seems I missed the CSGV demonstrating just what assholes

they are. And I'm sure they feel very brave, and noble. Or just happy that their vindictive streak is showing. I'll borrow some of the words of Thirdpower:
They have learned my name. They have stripped me of my magical powers to control the blogosphere. Oh woe is me.

In other words, Ladd Everitt has gotten so desperate after having his @ss handed to him over and over and the recognition of their own insignificance in national affairs that he 'outed' me on the CSGV's FB page and Twitter.
For those who've been harassed by gun rights activist "Thirdpower" (@), his real name is Roy Kubicek.
40 minutes ago
You know. Nevermind that I have my name published here on DOOT so people can order patches and have it publicly linked to my FB page for several years now, I apparently have been 'hiding out'.
Do read the rest; what they consider one of his sinister activities is amazing; I wonder if they soiled their panties over it?

A bit from Linoge, as well:
The CSGV has well and truly become the dedicated troll of the anti-rights organizations, and this new disgraceful "tactic" of theirs will invariably backfire in their bigoted faces. We will not be oppressed, we will not be silenced, and we will not tolerate our rights being denied to us by force of law… no amount of threatening, bullying, stalking, or "outing" will change that.

Oh, and remind me to thank Chris Peck and all of his anti-rights buddies at the Commercial Appeal for assisting cyberstalkers like Ladd Everitt with their privacy invading database of the overwhelmingly law-abiding handgun carry permit holders here in Tennessee. Really appreciate that, guys!

Aren't these gun bigots some truly sorry people?


Linoge said...

The part that just amuses the hell out of me is how they accuse us of harassing and intimidating "gun violence" victims... while they harass and intimidate us.


Uh, guys...

Firehand said...

Don't know if it's projection, or just being the vicious little bastards they are.

Thirdpower said...

If you read some of the stuff Ladd's written under the GritsJr name and after he got caught as well as listen to his speaches, it's pretty obvious he's got some projection and anger management issues.

BobG said...

"...while they harass and intimidate us."

They may harass is, but I doubt if any of those pathetic assholes has what it takes to intimidate anyone, let alone most gunnies.
Just my opinion.

John B said...

I clicked the link and twitter said they didn't exist.
I clicked again and they were back. I was hoping they slinked off.