Wednesday, October 12, 2005

So far, I'm still here

Not accomplishing much, but still here.

It's October in Oklahoma, which means in one day it can go from highs of 80's and lows of 60's, to highs of 60's and lows of 40's.

The hot, dry weather broke a couple of weeks back, and the peppers in the garden flat took off. They're covered with jalapenos and bells. I planted some late squash, and it's growing wonderfully; I just hope there's time for them to produce before the frosts kill them.

Speaking of frost, from past history could come in a day or two, or sometime in early November. They have happened in the first week of October a time or two. Shorts one day, coat and gloves the next.

New doghouse built, nice thick layer of hay inside, equals two happy dogs. Though if the trainee keeps chewing up everything in sight and digging holes like an oversized gopher she may have a short life.

Had a day with my parents, and it was nice.

I need a real vacation. Not just a few days, at least a week someplace else with something to distract me from worrying about things back here.

Sondra K needs to sell space on her butt again. No particular reason, I just like looking at her butt. Do you blame me? Shut up.

Hey, I took the 50-yard iron-sight trophy! However, apparently nobody else shot iron-sight rifle at 25, apparently thinking that obviously they could take out looters at 25 with a rifle, so nobody else tried. I think there should be a special category and trophy here, both for being the only one who did it and(obviously), therefore, getting the high score. So where's my damn trophies?

And now to bed, as there's work tomorrow. Dammit.

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